Jerusalem Inn Test | Final Test - Easy

Martha Grimes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jerusalem Inn Test | Final Test - Easy

Martha Grimes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Grace say when questioned about her husband's affair?
(a) That she knew about it.
(b) That she had some idea but wasn't sure about it.
(c) That she had no idea about it.
(d) That she is outrageously angry and could kill someone over it.

2. Whom does Cullen arrive with at Beatrice's murder scene?
(a) Trimm.
(b) Melrose.
(c) Parmenger.
(d) No one.

3. What do the other guests think of Beatrice's writing?
(a) That it is kind of trashy.
(b) They don't know about it because she uses a pen name.
(c) That it is very fancy.
(d) That it is very intellectual.

4. After Beatrice's murder and the questioning that follows, what time is the group finally allowed back to bed?
(a) Noon.
(b) Eleven in the morning.
(c) Five in the morning.
(d) Two in the morning.

5. Who is George?
(a) A famous artist visiting the Seaingham house.
(b) Susan Assington's personal physician.
(c) Susan Assington's son.
(d) A neighbor of Seaingham who no one else really likes.

6. How does Jury decide Beatrice has been killed?
(a) She was poisoned.
(b) She was stabbed.
(c) She was shot.
(d) She was strangled.

7. What kind of alcohol does Mrs. Krimp reluctantly provide for the guests at the Margate Hotel?
(a) Whiskey.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Brandy.
(d) Port.

8. Who is most relieved to learn that Tom isn't a suspect in Beatrice's murder?
(a) Melrose.
(b) Tom himself.
(c) St. Leger.
(d) Vivian.

9. How does Jury react to learning that Melrose is in the area when he arrives at the Jerusalem Inn?
(a) He is jealous because Melrose is dating Jury's old girlfriend.
(b) He is sad because they used to be good friends.
(c) He is angry because he is creeping in on his case.
(d) He is glad because they have worked together before.

10. What kind of case does Jury question Sir George about?
(a) An old case where a husband killed his wife's boyfriend.
(b) An old case where a physician shot his patient.
(c) An old case where a physician poisoned his patient.
(d) An old case where a husband poisoned his wife.

11. What secret does Jury confess to Grace that he knows about her?
(a) That she is a fugitive.
(b) That she is having an affair.
(c) That she is ill.
(d) That she is pregnant.

12. What does Melrose watch at the Jerusalem Inn when he is shortly stranded there by a storm?
(a) Just the people in general.
(b) A bar fight.
(c) Something suspicious going on in the back corner.
(d) A game of snooker.

13. What is Frederick charges with doing while he is at Spinney Abbey?
(a) Painting a portrait of Grace and Charles together.
(b) Painting a portrait of Charles.
(c) Painting a portrait of Grace.
(d) Paintaing a portrait of Grace and Charles's fancy estate.

14. Where do Jury and Wiggins meet up after Beatrice's murder?
(a) The New Binghamton train station.
(b) The Newcastle train station.
(c) The London train station.
(d) The Jerusalem Inn.

15. What does Jury ask Vivian when he is questioning her about Beatrice's murder?
(a) Why she is so mean to him all of the time.
(b) If they can go out sometime.
(c) Who she thinks might be guilty of the crime.
(d) Why she isn't married.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does someone believe is the only vehicle that can rescue Melrose, Vivian, Agatha, and Ruthven when they are stranded at the Jerusalem Inn?

2. How do Tom and Melrose return to the mansion after sneaking out?

3. What is the real relationship between Helen and Parmenger?

4. Why does Tom play snooker with Robbie?

5. How tall is Jury?

(see the answer keys)

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