J. B. Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

J. B. Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Nickles asks J.B. if he knows what happens at the end, J.B. says what?
(a) That this is a new beginning.
(b) That only God knows everything.
(c) That he doesn't know anything.
(d) That there is no end.

2. Eliphaz says that guilt is what?
(a) An emotion.
(b) A joke.
(c) An illusion.
(d) A mockery.

3. After arguing about the value of suffering, what does Nickles challenge Zuss to do?
(a) Change his point of view.
(b) See things from the other side.
(c) Put on his mask.
(d) Convince Sarah of his point of view.

4. Nickles' being unable to find his mask represents the helplessness of humans when we are not able to use God for what?
(a) A healer.
(b) A blame for events.
(c) A comforter.
(d) An excuse for our behavior.

5. Eliphaz says that choices are from where?
(a) Societal knowledge.
(b) The subconscious.
(c) Primal instincts.
(d) The conscious.

6. In Scene 7, who quotes God's lines from the Bible where he asks the devil to consider the perfection of Job's devotion?
(a) J.B.
(b) Zuss.
(c) Distant Voice.
(d) Nickles.

7. When J.B. is lying on the broken down table, what is he wearing?
(a) A towel.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Rags.
(d) A suit.

8. Now that he is covered in blisters and everything is taken from him, J.B. prays to God for what?
(a) Death.
(b) Peace.
(c) Comfort.
(d) Love.

9. What does Nickles hear before he leaves J.B.?
(a) Someone at the door.
(b) Someone in the garage.
(c) A bell.
(d) A telephone ring.

10. Who says, "His will, our peace?"
(a) Zuss.
(b) Sarah.
(c) J.B.
(d) Nickles.

11. When Zuss and Nickles are able to put their masks on again in Scene 7, they become what?
(a) Instruments of Satan's wrath.
(b) Instruments of the masks.
(c) Instruments of God's wisdom.
(d) Instruments of God's wrath.

12. After Zuss and Nickles put on their masks in Scene 7, what is the name of the character who speaks of Job's integrity?
(a) Distant Voice.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Zuss.
(d) God-mask.

13. One of the women watching J.B. says that she has had a dream about the queen of what country?
(a) Scotland.
(b) England.
(c) Ireland.
(d) Wales.

14. When Nickles goes to J.B., how does he describe himself?
(a) Psychiatrist.
(b) Professional counsel.
(c) A doctor.
(d) Psychologist.

15. Bildad says that justice will come when?
(a) When it comes.
(b) At the end of time.
(c) In the lifetime of one man.
(d) At the end of the earth.

Short Answer Questions

1. After J.B. calms God down, what does he do?

2. The women, in Scene 8, remember J.B. and Sarah from the days when they are what?

3. Nickles complains that God has done what, tumbling a whole city down to blister one man's skin with agony?

4. When J.B. and Sarah both pray for sleep, the women recall the death of Sarah and J.B.'s children and wonder whether Sarah will do what?

5. At the beginning of Scene 10, Nickles calls Zuss what?

(see the answer keys)

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