It's Not About the Bike Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

It's Not About the Bike Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bill Stapleton respond to what Alain Bondue tells him in private while Lance is undergoing chemo?
(a) Tells him to talk with Lance about it.
(b) Grows deeply sad.
(c) Grows angry.
(d) Tells him to do what he has to do.

2. How is the US Postal Team regarded when the Tour de France begins?
(a) It's not one of the favorites.
(b) It's laughed at.
(c) Nobody's heard of them.
(d) People don't expect them to finish the race.

3. LaTrice helps Lance by explaining specifics of his treatment, answering his many questions, and:
(a) Sneaking food in for him.
(b) Calling his friends for him.
(c) Being someone he can confide in.
(d) Writing his press releases.

4. What does Lance's manager, Bill Stapleton, say about quitting cycling as a cancer survivor?
(a) There's no shame in it.
(b) Everyone will understand and accept his decision.
(c) He'll be remembered as the guy who got cancer and never rode again.
(d) He's better off working on his foundation anyway.

5. Who is Jeff Garvey?
(a) Poet who writes a tribute to Lance.
(b) Businessman who becomes director of Lance's foundation.
(c) Cycling coach who donates regularly to Lance's foundation.
(d) Professional cyclist who starts a cancer hotline.

6. Who is Alain Bondue?
(a) Head nurse of the chemo ward.
(b) Director of the Cofidis cycling team.
(c) Director of the Motorola cycling team.
(d) Doctor who oversees chemo treatments.

7. What does Lance attempt to do in between chemotherapy cycles?
(a) Write a book.
(b) Mend his broken heart.
(c) Negotiate new contracts.
(d) Ride his bike.

8. After making a comeback in the United States, what is Lance's next step?
(a) Racing in Japan.
(b) Taking on Europe again.
(c) Racing in Australia.
(d) Trying to win in Norway again.

9. Why is Lance flown back to the United States following his first Tour de France victory?
(a) To meet with top dignitaries.
(b) To reconcile with his father.
(c) For much needed rest.
(d) So he can do some American press.

10. What does Lance see as he approaches the finish line of his first Tour de France?
(a) People wearing his Livestrong bracelets.
(b) The medical team that restored his health.
(c) People who shaved their heads in support.
(d) Texas signs and American flags.

11. When Lance finally decides to race again, what does Cofidis do?
(a) Disbands its cycling team.
(b) Dissolves his contract.
(c) Offers him a huge salary.
(d) Offers him a fundraising job.

12. Where do Lance and Kik marry?
(a) San Diego.
(b) Santa Barbara.
(c) Santa Rosa.
(d) San Antonio.

13. How does Lance react when he learns that his lead at the Tour de France is causing a frenzy back in the United States?
(a) He laughs nervously.
(b) He's not surprised.
(c) He doubts it.
(d) He can't comprehend this.

14. What is the name of Lance's and Kik's first baby?
(a) Josh.
(b) Luke.
(c) Michael.
(d) Andrew.

15. What is required for Kik to get pregnant?
(a) A competent fertilization specialist.
(b) In vitro fertilization.
(c) Less stress in their lives.
(d) A vacation.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is LaTrice?

2. On his way back home from a speaking engagement, Lance is on a layover in Dallas when he hears what piece of news from Kik?

3. Why is Lance reluctant to ride and train competitively again?

4. How does Lance help his good friend, Stacy Pounds, who is dying from lung cancer?

5. When Kik invites Lance out for a beer, they discover that:

(see the answer keys)

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