Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Without chores to be done in early summer, what do Karana and Rontu do?
(a) Lay on the sunny beach
(b) Take walks to Tall Rock
(c) Go on canoe trips
(d) Swim in Coral Cove

2. As Karana looks down at the empty harbor, what is she thinking?
(a) She is happy that she can move back to the headland.
(b) She thinks of Tutok and all the times they sat in the sun together.
(c) She thinks that she finally has the island to herself again.
(d) She feels good now that the sea otters will be safe.

3. Why does Karana deny living in the cave when the Aleut girl asks her?
(a) Karana doesn't want the girl visiting.
(b) Karana doesn't like the girl.
(c) Karana does not trust the girl.
(d) Karana fears for her life.

4. Who is in the ship sailing to the island from the north?
(a) The white men
(b) Unfriendly natives from a different island
(c) Pirates
(d) The Aleuts

5. Why does Karana make four snares during her time inside in the winter?
(a) She wants to capture a little red fox.
(b) She hopes to snare more birds.
(c) She hopes to snare a sea otter.
(d) She hopes to capture the son of Rontu.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Karana change Mon-a-nee's name?

2. Why does Karana not use her arrows to help Rontu in the meadow?

3. What is Rontu doing on days Karana works on the canoe?

4. What is a stronger feeling to Karana than the happy times on the island?

5. What does Karana do with the yellow, wild dog after she catches him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the great discovery that Karana and Rontu make as they travel around the island in the canoe?

2. What happens to Karena on the very hot day after the winter storms when she takes the canoe to paddle around the reef?

3. What does Karana discover in Black Cave on the southern coast of the island that frightens her?

4. How do the gulls open the scallops shells to eat the meat inside?

5. Karana makes several trips to her cave during the day to move all her belongings. On the final trip, she has a feeling someone has been there. What happens?

6. Karana watches for Tutok from a brushy ledge the morning after finding the necklace. What does Karana do when Tutok arrives, then turns to leave when she sees that Karana has not taken the necklace?

7. How does Karana feel now that Tutok has gone away?

8. What does Karana lose in the damage of the tidal waves?

9. What does Karana do when she finds Rontu lying in the back of the lair in which he once lived?

10. What happens after Karana spears the giant devilfish?

(see the answer keys)

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