Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Karana and Tutok do when they finally meet?
(a) They argue over the black, stone necklace.
(b) Tutok tries to take Rontu with her.
(c) They trade words with each other, teaching their language.
(d) Karana tells Tutok to stay away from her home.

2. What does Karana make for Tutok as a gift?
(a) Pierced stone earrings
(b) A cape of cormorant feathers
(c) Seal skin sandals
(d) A circlet of abalone shells for her hair

3. What happens after the incident in the meadow?
(a) Wild dogs never return to the headlands.
(b) Gulls are never again seen on the Island of the Blue Dolphins.
(c) The Aleuts board their ship and sail away.
(d) Rontu disappears for one week.

4. Why doesn't Karana bring Rontu with her to check out the Aleut camp?
(a) The Aleut dogs will smell Rontu.
(b) Rontu will bark at the Aleuts.
(c) Rontu will slow her down.
(d) Karana doesn't want Rontu to get hurt.

5. How does Karana catch Rontu's son?
(a) She catches him with one of the snares she made.
(b) She catches him with the toluache weed. which put him to sleep.
(c) She catches him with xuchal, made from ground shells and wild tobacco.
(d) She catches him with a lure of abalone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Rontu looking at over the edge of the reef?

2. Who is in the ship sailing to the island from the north?

3. What does Karana vow about killing animals the summer she renames Mon-a-nee?

4. After the ship lands in Coral Cove, what does Karana think about?

5. What does Karana make with yucca twine?

Short Essay Questions

1. After two summers alone on the island, Karana sees the Aleut ship heading toward the island. How does she prepare for her move to the hidden cave she had set up in case the Aleuts returned?

2. What does Karana do after she tracks the injured pack leader, finding him immobile on the ground?

3. What does Karana lose in the damage of the tidal waves?

4. What is the great discovery that Karana and Rontu make as they travel around the island in the canoe?

5. What does Karana see while she is out looking for supplies to fix her canoe, and what is her reaction?

6. Karana survives the tidal waves and returns to the headland. What happens when Rontu-Aru greets her?

7. Summarize the method Karana uses to tame the two young birds, nesting in a tree above her house.

8. What does Karana do after the Aleut girl finds her and Rontu at the cave?

9. What is Karana worried about when she takes her new spear to go and hunt devilfish?

10. Where does Karana make a grave for Rontu and what does she place on it?

(see the answer keys)

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