Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Karana gathering in the canoe and hanging out to dry?
(a) Shells
(b) Starfish
(c) Kelp
(d) Sweet red abalone

2. What does Karana see in Black Cave?
(a) Skeleton of a sea elephant
(b) A seated human skeleton
(c) Skeletons of wild dogs
(d) Skeletons of sea otters

3. What does Karana see as she gathers supplies to repair her canoe?
(a) The wild dogs circling her home
(b) A devil fish
(c) Three blue dolphins jumping out of the water
(d) The sail of a ship

4. How does Karana keep track of the time she has spent on the island?
(a) She draws a line on the wall of her house with charcoal for each moon that has passed.
(b) She sews one bead on her dress for each moon that has passed.
(c) She cuts a mark in a pole beside her door of all the moons that have passed.
(d) She puts one shell in a box for each moon that has passed.

5. What does Karana do on sunny days after the Aleuts leave?
(a) She stays in the house because the sun is so bright.
(b) She goes to the hidden cave where it is cool.
(c) She wears her cormorant dress and necklace and goes for walks with Rontu along the cliff.
(d) She goes swimming to cool off.

6. What is the biggest loss Karana suffers in the earthquake?
(a) Her headland home
(b) Her two caged birds
(c) The stores of food
(d) The canoes

7. What is the sound the unknown birds are making that Karana likes?
(a) Tweeting
(b) Cooing
(c) Reep reep
(d) Screaming

8. Where does Karana bury Rontu?
(a) In his old lair
(b) On the headland
(c) On the beach
(d) Atop the cliff

9. What is Rontu doing on days Karana works on the canoe?
(a) Chasing pelicans on the beach
(b) Sleeping back at the house
(c) Watching Karana from the cliff
(d) Running with the dog pack

10. What does Karana do with the yellow, wild dog after she catches him?
(a) She makes a cage to keep him in.
(b) She ties his legs together to prevent him from running away.
(c) She ties him in the yard, giving him food and water.
(d) She fashions a muzzle for him, so he won't bite her.

11. What does Karana take after the incident before leaving the reef?
(a) Scallops
(b) Abalone
(c) Her spear point, spear and sinew line
(d) Flesh cuttings from the beached blue dolphin

12. Where does Karana store the canoe for the winter?
(a) High on the cliffs
(b) In a cave
(c) At her house
(d) On the beach at Coral Cove

13. Where do Karana and Rontu-Aru go during the earthquake?
(a) They crawl into their headland home.
(b) They get into the canoe and paddle away from land.
(c) They go to the Black Cave.
(d) They lay on the ground next to each other.

14. Where is Karana going to spend the night after the reef incident?
(a) Her canoe
(b) In a cave above the reef
(c) In the ravine by the spring water
(d) Her house

15. Who is in the ship sailing to the island from the north?
(a) Unfriendly natives from a different island
(b) The white men
(c) The Aleuts
(d) Pirates

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Karana name the yellow, wild dog Rontu-Aru?

2. What does the otter's name, Mon-a-nee mean?

3. What is Karana doing in the darkness of night?

4. What does Karana do after the first tidal wave strikes?

5. How does the island seem to Karana after Tutok leaves?

(see the answer keys)

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