Ishi: Last of His Tribe Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ishi: Last of His Tribe Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through To the Edge of the World Section 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Timawi carry the elk antlers on his head?
(a) Ishi had asked him to do this as a signal that the hunt had been successful.
(b) It is a Yahi tradition that gives thanks to the gods.
(c) The antlers are so heavy that he rests them on top of his own head.
(d) He wants to trick Ishi into thinking that an elk is approaching.

2. How are the mountain fish that Timawi and Ishi catch different from the fish in the canyon?
(a) The mountain fish are larger than and not as flavorful as the canyon fish.
(b) The mountain fish move more slowly and are easier to catch.
(c) The mountain fish are smaller and richer than the canyon fish.
(d) The mountain fish are poisonous.

3. What does Ishi find when he makes it to the fishing shelter?
(a) No one is there, but Tushi has left him a message.
(b) Everything is the same; Tushi and Elder Uncle have not been there.
(c) Tushi and Elder Uncle are waiting for him.
(d) Litter from a saldu camp is strewn around the area.

4. What does Ishi assume when he first sees Timawi sitting beneath the tree?
(a) He thinks that Timawi is playing a joke in him.
(b) He thinks that Timawi is asleep.
(c) He thinks that Timawi is seriously hurt.
(d) He thinks that Timawi is dead.

5. What does Ishi hear when he is swimming in Banya Creek?
(a) He hears the Monster.
(b) He hears the noise of a saldu camp.
(c) He hears Tushi's spirit calling him.
(d) He hears the howling of a wolf.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Elder Uncle's story, why did Ishi's father kill the saldu who had come to their village?

2. Who is responsible for moving the village to Wounupo?

3. How does Timawi respond to Elder Uncle's suggestion that he teach Ishi about what he had done wrong?

4. What do the women do while the men hunt for deer?

5. What does Ishi decide to seek when he leaves Tuliyani?

(see the answer key)

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