Ironweed Test | Final Test - Easy

William Kennedy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ironweed Test | Final Test - Easy

William Kennedy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What statement of Francis’ does Helen say is prophetic?
(a) That he never amounted to nothing.
(b) That he knows how to really live.
(c) That he’s always been a wanderer.
(d) That he never knew how to take care of anyone.

2. How does the narrator characterize the effect of Francis handling things from his previous life?
(a) Disturbing.
(b) Delightful.
(c) Redemptive.
(d) Uncanny.

3. What desire does Francis say he feels when Rosskam tells him about the women he makes love to during his rounds?
(a) To feel desire as he felt it once.
(b) To run away.
(c) To make love with Helen.
(d) To smash Rosskam’s skull in.

4. What does Francis say he wants from his visit to Annie in Chapter 6?
(a) Just to see everyone.
(b) A fresh start.
(c) Forgiveness.
(d) Just money and wine.

5. What does Rosskam invite Francis to watch?
(a) A feat of strength.
(b) A sex act.
(c) A woman undressing.
(d) An effective negotiating strategy.

6. How long did Francis and Annie court before they married?
(a) Three months.
(b) Six months.
(c) Two years.
(d) A month and a half.

7. In Chapter 6, how does the narrator characterize Francis’ emotions when he arrives at Annie’s house?
(a) Proud.
(b) Bashful.
(c) Delighted.
(d) Self-satisfied.

8. What does Francis say his mother tried to do to the neighbors’ property?
(a) Break their windows.
(b) Kill their tree.
(c) Poison their dog.
(d) Wall out their noise.

9. Who does Fiddler Quain tell Francis he’ll have to forgive?
(a) His traitorous hands.
(b) Himself.
(c) His baby for falling.
(d) Harold Allen.

10. What advice does Keats give Francis about seeing?
(a) Make sure you learn the thing that you didn’t see at first glance.
(b) Be careful not to see too much.
(c) Trust your eyes to deceive you, so pay close attention so they don’t.
(d) Don’t make any decisions until you have seen as much as possible.

11. What does Katrina ask Francis about her scar?
(a) Whether he will kiss it.
(b) Whether he likes it.
(c) Whether he can make it go away.
(d) Whether he knows how she got it.

12. What momentous event took place at Kibbee’s lumberyard?
(a) Francis and Helen worked together.
(b) Francis slept with Helen for the first time.
(c) Francis and Annie kissed for the first time.
(d) Francis met Helen.

13. Whose letter is the only letter Francis has saved?
(a) Helen.
(b) Peggy.
(c) Annie.
(d) Billy.

14. In Chapter 5, why is Helen angry at Francis?
(a) He will never commit to her.
(b) He is always abandoning her.
(c) He cannot take care of himself.
(d) He willfully cuckolds himself.

15. Where did Helen plan to go after Vassar?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Paris.
(c) London.
(d) New York.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Helen say is her lucky star?

2. What does the narrator say the clouds resemble, when Francis is standing in the junkyard doorway?

3. How did Skippy Maguire ruin his hand?

4. What did Fiddler Quain do with Francis in 1901?

5. What does Francis say kept him sane?

(see the answer keys)

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