Invisible Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the narrator try to hide the figurine from Mary?
(a) Because he thinks it is unworthy of her
(b) Because he is trying to steal it
(c) Because he wants to take it to the Brotherhood
(d) Because he has broken it

2. What awakens the narrator in Chapter 15?
(a) The smell of breakfast cooking.
(b) The sound of people talking.
(c) People banging on the steam line because there is no heat.
(d) Someone pounding at the door.

3. The narrator becomes dizzy at the thought that true saviors might actually be where?
(a) crippled within the limits of organizations
(b) in the history books
(c) disguised in the literature books
(d) outside history

4. Why does the narrator run after making his speech on behalf of the elderly couple?
(a) A white girl tells him to run, and he obeys even though he isn't exactly sure why.
(b) He doesn't want to be confronted for making a speech.
(c) He thinks the crowd is after him.
(d) He sees the police coming and thinks they are after him.

5. Why does the narrator remain in his hole for a long while?
(a) Because he is not able to reach the manhole cover.
(b) Because he cannot determine his own intentions
(c) Because he is afraid the Brotherhood is still hunting for him
(d) Because he was knocked unconscious

6. What does the narrator notice at the funeral that he would like to exploit?
(a) The absence of the Brotherhood
(b) The tension of the crowd
(c) The carelessness of the policemen
(d) The large attendance on the part of the youth`

7. What does the narrator purchase after the confrontation with Ras?
(a) a pair of dark green sunglasses
(b) a low brimmed hat
(c) a long jacket
(d) a weapon

8. What realization does the narrator have in Chapter 21?
(a) That the Brotherhood does not really care about people
(b) That the members of the crowd are individuals
(c) That the Brotherhood has its own agenda
(d) That the Brotherhood is just using him.

9. Who had predicted the narrator's relationship with the white woman?
(a) The veteran doctor at the Golden Day
(b) Brother Jack
(c) Brother Hambro
(d) Dr. Bledsoe

10. Why was Brother Tarp on a chain gang?
(a) Because he had dared to say the word no.
(b) Because he had lied to white people
(c) Because he had betrayed his white master
(d) Because he had betrayed his people

11. What truth does the narrator discover about Brother Jack?
(a) He is a devotee of Dr. Bledsoe
(b) He does not really believe in the Brotherhood
(c) He is a pawn of the white people
(d) He has a glass eye

12. Why is the narrator unable to say much about Clifton?
(a) The Brotherhood had limited his topics
(b) Too much about Clifton was negative
(c) He had been given too little time for the speech
(d) He really didn't know much about him

13. With what animal does the narrator compare Brother Jack?
(a) a toy bull terrior
(b) a wolf
(c) a snake
(d) a bull dog

14. What decision does the narrator accept for the time period that will be needed to clear the charges against him?
(a) He insist on the continuation of his activities
(b) He agrees to speak on the Woman Question
(c) He agrees to become inactive
(d) He decides to go out on his own.

15. What do the yams symbolize?
(a) The narrator's future
(b) The purity of the old south
(c) The narrator's ability to please himself
(d) The narrator's past

Short Answer Questions

1. What horrifying sight does the narrator see as he flees the riot?

2. The narrator has learned that a person must approach the world with

3. Of what do the men in the bar in Chapter 20 accuse the narrator?

4. Whose words does the narrator contemplate as proof that he can have two identities and still be successful?

5. When has the narrator made most of his mistakes?

(see the answer keys)

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