Invisible Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brother Tod Clifton do?
(a) He is a black nationalist
(b) lead the youth of the Brotherhood
(c) He is a minister
(d) He is a fanatic ideologies who teaches newcomers.

2. Who had predicted the narrator's relationship with the white woman?
(a) Dr. Bledsoe
(b) Brother Jack
(c) The veteran doctor at the Golden Day
(d) Brother Hambro

3. What is happening in Harlem?
(a) The Brotherhood has taken over.
(b) The police have taken over.
(c) The community is in a riot
(d) The people have burned down the district office

4. What vision comes to the narrator's mind when he sees the elderly couple being evicted?
(a) Mr. Trueblood's two pregnant women
(b) His grandfather on his death bed
(c) the Battle Royal
(d) His mother hanging out the wash

5. What is it that people like Jack, Bledsoe and Norton have refused to do?
(a) Recognize equality among all individuals
(b) Recognize the importance of each individual
(c) Recognize the American identity of all of her people
(d) Recognize the uncontrollable power of a group

6. To what does Ras the Exhorter primarily object?
(a) The narrator's street corner approach
(b) The idea of a black man speaking out for white people
(c) Clifton's methods of leading the youth
(d) The mixing of black and white

7. What do the elderly couple want to do that the marshals deny them?
(a) Return to the apartment for a last prayer
(b) Remain in their apartment
(c) Return to the apartment for something they forgot
(d) Give their belongings to people in the crowd

8. How does the narrator get out of playing along in Sybil's rape fantasy?
(a) Explains that he cannot perform
(b) Tells her that he is being watched
(c) Drinks with her until she passes out
(d) Explains that his interest is political

9. What awakens the narrator in Chapter 15?
(a) People banging on the steam line because there is no heat.
(b) The smell of breakfast cooking.
(c) The sound of people talking.
(d) Someone pounding at the door.

10. What is in the narrator's briefcase?
(a) his green spectacles
(b) a white hat
(c) his cash
(d) Mary's bank

11. In Chapter 14, why is Mary cooking cabbage?
(a) It's all she can afford
(b) It's a reminder of the south
(c) She thinks it will please the narrator.
(d) The narrator has asked for it.

12. What is the narrator accused of when he tries to dispose of the figurine?
(a) drug dealing
(b) theft
(c) littering
(d) stupidity

13. Why was Brother Tarp on a chain gang?
(a) Because he had betrayed his white master
(b) Because he had betrayed his people
(c) Because he had lied to white people
(d) Because he had dared to say the word no.

14. The narrator wants Clifton's funeral to focus on which of the following?
(a) His accomplishments as part of the Brotherhood
(b) The meaning of his life
(c) The acts that led to his death
(d) what his loss will mean to the Brotherhood

15. Why is the narrator unable to say much about Clifton?
(a) He really didn't know much about him
(b) Too much about Clifton was negative
(c) He had been given too little time for the speech
(d) The Brotherhood had limited his topics

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes the narrator think that his night with the white woman was a trap?

2. What does the unnamed man at the party ask the narrator to do?

3. Why is the narrator unable to see his audience when he gives his speech at the arena?

4. How does the audience react to the narrator's speech?

5. What is the symbolic association of the arena in Chapter 16?

(see the answer keys)

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