Invisible Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Ellison, which of the following is true during times of war?
(a) African American soldiers have greater stature than white soldiers
(b) African American soldiers are considered heros by other nationalities
(c) African American soldiers and white soldiers are equal.
(d) African American soldiers are valued less than white soldiers.

2. What does the narrator recall having been given instead of a cigarette?
(a) marijuana
(b) liquor
(c) a cigar
(d) a beating

3. What procedure is performed on the narrator?
(a) both castration and a lobotomy
(b) a prefrontal lobotomy
(c) castration
(d) mind control implants

4. The narrator considers himself an invisible man because ____________________.
(a) people refuse to see him with their inner eyes
(b) people subconsciously ignore him
(c) people can't see him
(d) people don't understand him

5. Ellison's primary struggle in writing the book was
(a) Giving the hero sufficient depth of character
(b) Finding a way for the hero to succeed.
(c) Accepting the concept that nothing could really be done to change society
(d) Allowing the hero to fail

6. What does the narrator fear is the reason for his inability to get an appointment with the trustees?
(a) He fears a conspiracy.
(b) He thinks no one is seeing the letters he submitted.
(c) He fears there may not be any jobs after all.
(d) He thinks the secretaries are not telling him the truth.

7. What kind of speeches has the narrator given from the stage in the chapel?
(a) Speeches that flattered the whites.
(b) Genuine speeches that expressed how he felt.
(c) Speeches that expressed his frustration in cultural symbolism.
(d) Phony speeches with notes supplied by white men.

8. How does the vet react when Mr. Norton tries to explain his interest in the college?
(a) The vet accuses Mr. Norton of ulterior motives.
(b) The vet praises Mr. Norton.
(c) The vet accuses Mr. Norton of deception.
(d) The vet mocks Mr. Norton.

9. Where was the novel written?
(a) Harlem
(b) Vermont
(c) Georgia
(d) New York

10. What does the narrator lack in Chapter 12?
(a) his interest in returning to college
(b) money to live on
(c) motivation to keep going
(d) A sense of direction

11. What does the narrator feel was his primary fault 20 years earlier?
(a) He was easily confused.
(b) He was naive.
(c) He was cowardly.
(d) He was too bold.

12. What mistake does the narrator make at Liberty Paints?
(a) He adds too much pigment to the paint
(b) He uses the wrong tank of paint
(c) He adds paint remover instead of the pigment to the paint
(d) He does not paint the sample correctly.

13. What does the moon symbolize?
(a) The vision of those in power.
(b) An eye that sees only what it chooses.
(c) The eye of God
(d) Intellectual vision that is defective

14. How does the narrator regard Mr. Bledsoe?
(a) As a role model.
(b) As an enemy
(c) As a protector
(d) As an unpredictable element

15. What does Dr. Bledsoe call the narrator?
(a) a liar
(b) a traitor
(c) an educated fool
(d) a slave

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the narrator have difficulty getting along on his first two jobs?

2. What does Trueblood's story suggest about the white men at the jail house?

3. How did the narrator get invited to participate in the Battle Royal?

4. Ellison's original story was written about which of the following?

5. What is most unusual about the narrator's residence?

(see the answer keys)

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