Invisible Cities Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Cities Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As he travels through Adelma, what does Polo wonder?
(a) Why there are more men than women there.
(b) Where all the children have gone to.
(c) If those he encounters are real people or ghosts.
(d) If he resembles someone who is already dead to the people there.

2. Polo says that Clarice is:
(a) The most normal city he's ever visited.
(b) The future capital of the empire.
(c) A glorious city with a tormented history.
(d) A city of madmen and silent children.

3. As Polo studies the wood of Khan's chessboard, what does he point out?
(a) Its rich red color.
(b) That it's getting late.
(c) That they've not had dinner yet.
(d) Its natural flaws.

4. What is Esmeralda layered with?
(a) Stairs, landings, and bridges.
(b) Terraces and rice fields.
(c) Sturdy canvas covers of many colors.
(d) Flower-covered windowsills and green rooftops.

5. What is one of Khan's biggest worries regarding his empire?
(a) It will be forgotten by the rest of the world.
(b) It will be crushed under its own weight.
(c) Its people will grow disillusioned.
(d) It will be stolen from him.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 6, Polo claims that he's reached the point where, in the number of people he has known:

2. Can the reader tell with certainty whether or not Polo's many cities actually exist?

3. Leandra is protected by two species, both of which are:

4. In Argia, what are the streets filled with?

5. What is Octavia known as?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the perception of the city of Irene change depending on whether it's viewed by passersby or by inhabitants?

2. Describe Esmeralda, the city of water.

3. Describe the two species that protect Leandra.

4. Describe the dialogue that Khan and Polo have regarding the arched bridge made of stone.

5. In what significant way is Argia different from all other cities Polo describes?

6. Describe the two sides of the city of Moriana.

7. How does Polo use the game of chess to help Khan better understand the cities of his empire?

8. It's not always clear in the story if Khan is speaking to Polo or merely imagining a conversation, such as when he supposedly confronts Polo regarding Venice. Whether the conversation happened or was imagined, what does Khan accuse Polo of regarding Venice?

9. Who lives in the underground city of Eusapia, and who has access to it?

10. When people get lost in Eudoxia, what do they look at to find their bearings?

(see the answer keys)

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