Invisible Cities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Cities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of Khan's biggest worries regarding his empire?
(a) It will be forgotten by the rest of the world.
(b) It will be stolen from him.
(c) Its people will grow disillusioned.
(d) It will be crushed under its own weight.

2. How does Polo describe the city of Olinda?
(a) Longing for a renewed version of itself.
(b) Like trees, it grows in concentric circles.
(c) Like the billowing clouds of summer.
(d) Lonely, lovely, and lost.

3. When one listens to the ground in Argia, what does one hear?
(a) The sound of engines.
(b) Music.
(c) A bell ring.
(d) A door slam.

4. Khan wonders why Polo never speaks of:
(a) His past studies.
(b) His family.
(c) Tuscan.
(d) Venice.

5. Looking at Argia from above, what does one see?
(a) Sadness.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Green rooftops.
(d) Nothing.

6. In Chapter 8, Khan is on the verge of:
(a) Growing impatient with Polo and his stories.
(b) Understanding the rise and fall of a city.
(c) Appointing a new emperor.
(d) A nervous breakdown.

7. When a traveler arrives at Phyllis, what does he decide to do?
(a) Relax in the public baths.
(b) Stay there for the rest of his life.
(c) Sleep by day and explore by night.
(d) Dance, sing, and eat.

8. When Polo describes a bridge made of stone, Khan wants to know:
(a) Which stone supports the bridge.
(b) Whether the stones are rough or smooth.
(c) How large the stones are.
(d) How many stones are in the bridge.

9. If a traveler to Thekla asks why the construction is never done, what answer will he hear?
(a) In order to confuse the spirits.
(b) So that the destruction can't start.
(c) They are waiting for the architect to return.
(d) Nobody knows why.

10. In Chapter 5, as Khan sits in his palace visualizing the growth of his empire, what does he see?
(a) Overpopulation leading to famine and disease.
(b) Warriors from the west coming to fight for his empire.
(c) More innovations coming from his empire's brightest minds.
(d) Conquered territories spreading further into other regions.

11. Why does Khan wonder when Polo actually has time to travel to far-off cities?
(a) It appears Polo has never moved from Khan's garden.
(b) Polo is too busy with his job of head counselor.
(c) Polo is too busy writing down his travel accounts.
(d) He frequently spots Polo entertaining friends in Khan's city.

12. The more Khan listens to Polo's stories, the less certain he is that he is sitting in the garden or:
(a) Dreaming in his sleep.
(b) Sitting in a prison.
(c) Riding through places Polo describes.
(d) Locked up in a mental health hospital.

13. Leandra is protected by two species, both of which are:
(a) Extraordinarily large and strong.
(b) Winged and armed with dart guns.
(c) Too tiny to be seen.
(d) Similar in appearance to wolves.

14. To make the passing from life to death less abrupt, what have the people of Eusapia done?
(a) Built an underground city identical to the one above ground.
(b) Developed a system of surrounding the dying with laughter and merriment.
(c) Developed a way for the living to accompany the dead halfway.
(d) Built special resonating chambers where the dead can still speak to the living.

15. In Trude, only the name of what changes?
(a) Its hospital.
(b) Its man-made mountain.
(c) Its lake.
(d) Its airport.

Short Answer Questions

1. What items from his travels does Polo spread at the feet of Khan in Chapter 8?

2. Esmeralda is known as the city of what?

3. Clarice is known for its cycle of death and rebirth and:

4. As the two men sit smoking their pipes, does Khan actually confront Polo?

5. In Clarice, people take parts of the old city and use them in different ways for what?

(see the answer keys)

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