Invisible Cities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Cities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Khan wonders why Polo never speaks of:
(a) Tuscan.
(b) His family.
(c) Venice.
(d) His past studies.

2. To make the passing from life to death less abrupt, what have the people of Eusapia done?
(a) Built special resonating chambers where the dead can still speak to the living.
(b) Built an underground city identical to the one above ground.
(c) Developed a way for the living to accompany the dead halfway.
(d) Developed a system of surrounding the dying with laughter and merriment.

3. When Khan travels to visit Kin-sai, what does Polo do?
(a) Congratulates him.
(b) Accompanies him.
(c) Stays behind.
(d) Warns him not to go.

4. What does the hidden side of Moriana look like?
(a) A wasteland of jagged rocks and tortured souls.
(b) A golden altar to the gods of light and darkness.
(c) A giant warehouse filled with travelers' broken dreams.
(d) An expanse of rusting sheet metal and pipes black with soot.

5. Most inhabitants of Eudoxia believe that the pattern of its carpet is:
(a) Hopelessly baffling.
(b) Impossible to reproduce.
(c) Of divine origin.
(d) Unparalleled in its complexity.

6. What is Esmeralda layered with?
(a) Terraces and rice fields.
(b) Flower-covered windowsills and green rooftops.
(c) Sturdy canvas covers of many colors.
(d) Stairs, landings, and bridges.

7. What does Polo describe Eusapia as?
(a) Unreliable.
(b) Carefree.
(c) Disciplined.
(d) Cold.

8. What is at the center of Moriana?
(a) It is hard to tell--there is too much smoke everywhere.
(b) A strange contraption that controls the thoughts of its residents.
(c) An enormous hole plunging into the depths of the earth.
(d) Nothing--the city only has front and back sides.

9. In Eusapia, what is there really is no way of knowing anymore?
(a) Who is alive and who is dead.
(b) How long the city has existed.
(c) How long its underground counterpart has existed.
(d) Whether or not the dead truly are communicating with the living.

10. What types of objects are found in Clarice's museums?
(a) Nothing--the museums are empty.
(b) Only things of unsurpassed beauty.
(c) Paintings of everything that has ever existed in the city.
(d) Random artifacts, such as baskets and urns.

11. Which of the following is not true about the city of Beersheba?
(a) Its people honor everything that represents Beersheba's heavenly counterpart.
(b) Residents highly regard the Beersheba that exists below.
(c) There are two projections of Beersheba.
(d) The most talented architects built the underground version of Beersheba.

12. The strings of Ersilia come in different colors. What do these colors represent?
(a) Victories.
(b) Time.
(c) Dreams.
(d) Relationships.

13. Why does Khan question Polo's motives for travel?
(a) Polo is a complete mystery to him.
(b) He hears the longing in Polo's voice.
(c) He no longer wants to fund Polo's travels.
(d) He stops trusting Polo.

14. Polo tells Khan that it is possible the whole world is covered with what?
(a) Illusions and dreams.
(b) Wastelands and gardens.
(c) Gold and dust.
(d) Hope and despair.

15. Each person in Melania is what?
(a) Expected to understand existence.
(b) Tested at the age of five.
(c) Regarded as both mother and father to everyone else.
(d) Born into a role.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Polo say that Pyrrha represents for him?

2. As the two men sit smoking their pipes, does Khan actually confront Polo?

3. In Chapter 6, Polo claims that he's reached the point where, in the number of people he has known:

4. If a traveler to Thekla asks why the construction is never done, what answer will he hear?

5. Looking at Argia from above, what does one see?

(see the answer keys)

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