Intruder in the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Intruder in the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of gun does the sheriff think killed Lucas?
(a) Colt. 41
(b) A Winchester
(c) A German Luger
(d) A Walther PP

2. Which one of the Gowrie clan is a draft dodger?
(a) Crawford
(b) Vinson
(c) Forrest
(d) Bryan

3. What does Gavin tell Charles never to stop doing?
(a) Learning about life
(b) Going to school
(c) Loving his family
(d) Fighting for his beliefs

4. Who is the oldest of the Gowrie clan?
(a) Vinson
(b) Crawford
(c) Bryan
(d) Forrest

5. Where does Uncle Gavin think Vinson's body has been buried?
(a) In quick sand
(b) In a lake
(c) In New Mexico
(d) In another state

6. What does Miss Habersham need while she is standing guard at the jail?
(a) Her book
(b) Her baby
(c) Her shawl
(d) Her sewing

7. What is different about one of the men who appears from behind the church?
(a) He has no mouth
(b) He has yellow skin
(c) He has one arm
(d) He is blind

8. What kind of dogs are with the three men that appear from behind the church?
(a) Retreivers
(b) Mongrels
(c) Hound dogs
(d) Pitbull terries

9. Why does the sheriff think that Lucas did not kill Vinson?
(a) Vinson shot himself
(b) The killer was shooting from further away
(c) Lucas would never shoot a man in the back
(d) The wound could not of been created by Lucas's gun

10. What do the crowd do when they see Vinson's dead body?
(a) Pray
(b) Go to church
(c) Go home
(d) Rip down the jail

11. What does the sheriff think Jack Montgomerie tried to do before he died?
(a) Call the police
(b) Kill his killer
(c) Score drugs
(d) Dig up Vinson

12. Where does Crawford Gowrie live?
(a) Benjamin County
(b) Franklin County
(c) Raleigh
(d) Beat Four

13. How many faces does Charles dream that the crowd has?
(a) FIve
(b) One
(c) Hundreds
(d) Three

14. Which brother did Vinson go into business with?
(a) Bryan
(b) Crawford
(c) Forrest
(d) Peter

15. Who does the sheriff say sold the gun to Crawford Gowrie?
(a) Mr. Gowrie
(b) Jake Montgomery
(c) Buddy McCallum
(d) Lucas

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Charles think about on his way home?

2. Why is Charles so worried about finding the body?

3. What did the sheriff and Uncle Gavin do while Charles slept?

4. Who plans to join Miss Habersham at the local jail?

5. Who does Gavin say has to give the black man the right to be free in the south?

(see the answer keys)

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