Interview with the Vampire Test | Final Test - Easy

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Interview with the Vampire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Louis find in the hotel room when he returns to Claudia after having talked to Armand?
(a) A drunk painter
(b) Madeline
(c) Celeste
(d) Lestat

2. Where was Armand when he became a vampire?
(a) Venice
(b) Paris
(c) New Orleans
(d) The Theatre des Vampires

3. Louis encounters a man named Morgan at an inn. What does Louis discover about Morgan's wife, Emily?
(a) She's been bitten by a vampire and the villagers want to drive a stake into her chest
(b) Emily died of shock after having witnessed the beheading of a corpse
(c) She has no obvious wounds but the villagers want to drive a stake into her chest just to be safe
(d) She was bitten by a vampire and is now only sleeping

4. What is the name of the hotel where Louis and Claudia stay in Paris?
(a) Pointe du Lac
(b) Hotel Saint-Gabriel
(c) Theatre de Vampires
(d) Hotel of Paris

5. Louis says there is only one reason he and Claudia eat before going to the theater as invited by Armand. What was the reason?
(a) So that their skin would not be so white
(b) So they wouldn't need to drink from any of the show attendees
(c) They feared they wouldn't have time to eat afterwards
(d) So that they wouldn't grow hungry during the show

6. What is the fuel Louis uses to set the theater on fire?
(a) Kerosene
(b) Gas
(c) Diesel
(d) Candle wax

7. What sound and smell alert Louis to the approach of a vampire at the ruins?
(a) A shuffling step and the scent of decaying earth
(b) A limping step and the smell of a corpse
(c) A limping step and the scent of blood
(d) A quick step and the scent of a human

8. What is Santiago's fate?
(a) He is burned to death
(b) He dies in the sunlight
(c) Louis cuts off his head
(d) He falls to his death

9. Where do Claudia and Louis learn that the vampires supposedly stay?
(a) Nearby cemetery
(b) Nearby swamp
(c) Nearby planatation
(d) Nearby ruins

10. What three things does Armand say can kill a vampire?
(a) Freezing cold, dismemberment and the heat of the sun
(b) Fire, dismemberment and the heat of the sun
(c) Fire, a stake to the heart and the heat of the sun
(d) Holy water, a stake to the heart and the heat of the sun

11. Who is the first vampire to confront Louis when he is setting fire to the theater?
(a) Lestate
(b) Denis
(c) Santiago
(d) Armand

12. Why does Louis discover there are no human guards at the theater?
(a) They had all been turned to vampires
(b) Armand sent them away
(c) They went away with Lestat
(d) The rescue people pulled them from the fire

13. What does Armand hand to Louis on their first meeting?
(a) A cup
(b) A card with the name of the theatre
(c) A China doll
(d) A watch

14. What is it that Lestat wants from Louis?
(a) For Louis to arrange passage to Greece
(b) For Louis to kill Claudia
(c) For Louis to return to him
(d) For Louis to bring him food

15. What does Armand say about the number of vampires who live together?
(a) That it fluctuates
(b) That additional women are taken in as needed
(c) That it includes slaves
(d) That the number is jealously guarded

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dennis "offer" to Louis?

2. What two women does Louis remember from the vampires introduced to him following the performance?

3. What object was Emily found to be holding when her body was discovered?

4. What silent message does Claudia say Armand sent to her during their first meeting?

5. What does Louis discover about this vampire they connect with at the ruins?

(see the answer keys)

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