Inland Test | Final Test - Easy

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inland Test | Final Test - Easy

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Toby ask Harlan Bell concerning his father Emmett in Part IV?
(a) Why Bell has not ridden out to Cumberland to see if Emmett is there.
(b) Why Bell has not tried calling Emmett on the phone.
(c) Why Bell has not questioned Merrion Crace about Emmett's disappearance.
(d) Why Bell has not put out a warrant for Emmett's arrest.

2. Why do some of the men break off from the others in Lurie's party in Part III?
(a) To fight Indians.
(b) To hunt the wolves.
(c) To try to bring a lost girl back to her people.
(d) To pan for gold.

3. What does Josie offer to do for Sheriff Harlan Bell in Part IV?
(a) Make him a poultice.
(b) Cook him dinner.
(c) Shave his beard for him.
(d) Shine his shoes.

4. What spirit does Nora ask Josie to contact for her?
(a) Charlie.
(b) Evelyn.
(c) Ellen.
(d) Merrion.

5. What does the Doc ask Nora for when he visits her house in Part III?
(a) To consider euthanizing her mother-in-law.
(b) To consider selling him the paper.
(c) To consider moving out to Ash River with him.
(d) To consider letting him do an experimental treatment on Toby.

6. What does Nora see on the camel in the dark?
(a) A great number of saddle bags.
(b) A water barrel.
(c) A dog.
(d) A rider.

7. Who does Harlan go through the house looking for in Part IV?
(a) Josie.
(b) Merrion.
(c) Emmett.
(d) Toby.

8. What bleak outpost does Lurie reminisce to Burke about them staying at one Christmas Eve?
(a) Graveneck, Wyoming.
(b) Mobile, Alabama.
(c) San Antonio, Texas.
(d) Jackson, Mississippi.

9. What does Nora wish Doc Almenara brought her in Part III?
(a) A gun.
(b) Water.
(c) Drugs.
(d) Elk steaks.

10. How does George know they are too late on their mission with the girl in Part III?
(a) He smells the smell of decay.
(b) He sees the wolves are in the area, meaning there are dead people there.
(c) He smells the smells of whiskey.
(d) He sees a cloud of flies.

11. How does Mico die?
(a) Shaw kicks him in the chest, making his lungs fill up with blood.
(b) He is stabbed by one of his own men.
(c) They give him too much morphine and he overdoses.
(d) He catches an Indian's arrow.

12. What does the doctor Lurie pays to see Burke offer Lurie for Burke?
(a) $200.
(b) $30.
(c) $15.
(d) $100.

13. What does the contraption that Ab wants to get rid of do?
(a) It is a huge stockpot.
(b) It is a griddle.
(c) It is a corn mill.
(d) It is a deep fryer.

14. Who owns the camels in Lurie's company?
(a) Ned Beale.
(b) Merrion Crace.
(c) The War Department.
(d) Jolly.

15. Why does Nora tell Doc Almenara she is not binding Toby's eyes?
(a) She does not have the water for it.
(b) She ran out of bandages.
(c) It is too hot.
(d) It is too painful.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Doc Almenara bring to Nora when he visits in Part III?

2. What secret does Nora discover Josie has been keeping in Part III?

3. Who gets shot in Lurie's group during the fight at the river?

4. What is the name of the contraption that Ab wants to get rid of?

5. Who do Harlan and Nora go out into the night looking for in Part IV?

(see the answer keys)

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