Inkheart Test | Final Test - Medium

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inkheart Test | Final Test - Medium

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter 33, why does Dustfinger say he often came back to Capricorn's village while searching for Silvertongue and the book?
(a) He knew there were few cars there.
(b) He knew he was safe there.
(c) He felt less out of place there.
(d) He felt he was among friends.

2. Who reads the section of the passage that causes Capricorn's death when Meggie finds she cannot?
(a) Fenoglio.
(b) Resa.
(c) Mo.
(d) Darius.

3. What does Fenoglio quickly hide in chapter 48 when he hears Basta's approach?
(a) His papers.
(b) Meggie's books.
(c) His flashlight.
(d) His knife.

4. Why does Fenoglio tell Meggie not to try to escape in chapter 38?
(a) She will place Mo at unneccessary risk.
(b) She will get lost in the countryside.
(c) She will get hurt by the men with guns.
(d) She will put Fenoglio in danger.

5. What item does Mo insist that Capricorn wants at the football field from his house in chapter 54?
(a) His crown.
(b) His armchair.
(c) His walking cane.
(d) His copy of Inkheart.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Dustfinger tell Farid Resa has been Capricorn's maid?

2. What does Fenoglio say about Capricorn's village as Basta takes he and Meggie there in chapter 32?

3. Who is left to guard over Meggie and Fenoglio in chapter 36?

4. What book does Meggie find with markings in it as though its previous owner was deeply moved by specific passages?

5. What does Farid say his job was in his other life?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Meggie try to tell Dustfinger in chapter 49 that she is unable to convey due to Basta's presence?

2. Where does Dustfinger hide in chapter 52? What does he find there?

3. In chapter 43, Dustfinger thinks about his impending death and has an idea that it will allow him to return home. Why? Where is home?

4. Why does Meggie read the passage in Peter Pan that features Tinker Bell? What happens?

5. In chapter 32, who does the author tell Meggie Magpie, or Mortola, is?

6. Where does Meggie decide to hide the paper with the new passage the author has written for her to read at the execution?

7. Who is Resa? Why does Dustfinger remark that the only time you can hear her voice is when she laughs?

8. Why does Meggie tell the reader in chapter 59 she has decided to become a writer?

9. What does Mo find in the hiding place that Farid leads him to in chapter 51?

10. In chapter 39, how does Capricorn explain his choice of punishments for Dustfinger and Resa?

(see the answer keys)

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