Infidel Test | Final Test - Easy

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Infidel Test | Final Test - Easy

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The film made by Ayaan and Theo van Gogh used what to imply that the religion subjected women to unbearable oppression?
(a) Quotes from religious leaders.
(b) Verses from the Quran.
(c) Quotes from politicians.
(d) Children's stories.

2. Who was a refugee worker in Holland who encouraged Ayaan to study and helped her get a job as a translator?
(a) Rita.
(b) Johanna.
(c) Sylvia.
(d) Ellen.

3. Who wrote the book "Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam"?
(a) Salman Rushdie.
(b) Cisca Dresselhuys.
(c) Michel Onfray.
(d) Rita Verdonk.

4. In Chapter 16, "Politics," some of Ayaan's policy statements were added to proposals and legislation, including a motion requiring police to register how many what took place in Holland each year?
(a) Drunk killings.
(b) Revenge killings.
(c) Honor killings.
(d) Friendship killings.

5. What private trust was established to help fund protection of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and other Muslim dissidents?
(a) The Foundation for a Just World.
(b) The Foundation for Muslim Speech.
(c) The Foundation for Freedom of Expression.
(d) The Foundation for Western Beliefs.

6. What head of the Ministry of Justice began an official investigation into Ayaan's asylum case in the Epilogue?
(a) Neelie Kroes.
(b) Ali Wersengeli.
(c) Mohammed Bouyeri.
(d) Rita Verdonk.

7. What does DKDB stand for in the narrative?
(a) The Democratic Diplomacy Bureau.
(b) The Royal and Diplomatic Protection Service.
(c) The Imperial Democratic Protection Service.
(d) The Demographic Diplomacy Service.

8. When did Ayaan graduate with her master's degree in Chapter 14, "Leaving God"?
(a) September, 2000.
(b) June, 2002.
(c) April, 2003.
(d) August, 1999.

9. In Chapter 10, "Running Away," Ayaan considers going where because she knows the language from the novels she read growing up?
(a) Canada.
(b) England.
(c) The U.S.
(d) Holland.

10. After the assassination of Theo van Gogh, Ayaan's security detail became even tighter and over how many days was she allowed minimal contact with friends or anyone in the outside world?
(a) 120.
(b) 75.
(c) 60.
(d) 30.

11. Ayaan made several declarations about her legally being allowed to use what name in the Epilogue?
(a) Hirsi.
(b) Ayaan.
(c) Hussein.
(d) Ali.

12. Ayaan was determined to escape and so she went to visit what person whom she helped rescue and bring into Kenya from the border of Somalia in Chapter 10, "Running Away"?
(a) Fadumo.
(b) Jawahir.
(c) Yasmin.
(d) Johanna.

13. What refers to an official level of education required in order to enter university in Holland?
(a) Hajj.
(b) Tolka.
(c) Fatwa.
(d) Propadeuse.

14. Whose quotes did Ayaan claim to find in the Quran after the September 11 attacks in the U.S.?
(a) George W. Bush's.
(b) Vincent van Gogh's.
(c) Salman Rushdie's.
(d) Osama Bin Laden's.

15. When Ayaan filled out her official paperwork for refugee status, she changed her name from Ayaan Hirsi Megan to what?
(a) Ayaan Hirsi Moussa.
(b) Ayaan Hirsi Farah.
(c) Ayaan Hirsi Isse.
(d) Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ayaan rented a room from whom after her and Yasmin had a falling out?

2. How many abortions did Haweya have in Chapter 12, "Haweya"?

3. Ayaan's Dutch citizenship was left intact as she traveled promoting her first book where in the Epilogue?

4. When did Ayaan return to Parliament in Chapter 17, "The Murder of Theo"?

5. As the days grew colder in Chapter 11, "A Trial by the Elders," Ayaan received a letter from her father, addressed with kindness and love and trying to persuade her to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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