Infidel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Infidel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the capital of Somalia?
(a) Riyadh.
(b) Nairobi.
(c) Cairo.
(d) Mogadishu.

2. What refers to a Somali gathering of elders to discuss and decide on an important matter?
(a) Hajj.
(b) Baarri.
(c) Tolka.
(d) Hijab.

3. What caused Ayaan's mother to become even more hostile toward others in Chapter Four, "Weeping Orphans and Widowed Wives"?
(a) She had an affair.
(b) She got divorced.
(c) She had an abortion.
(d) She lost a child in stillbirth.

4. Who arranged for the circumcisions of Ayaan and her siblings in Chapter Two, "Under the Talal Tree"?
(a) Mahmud.
(b) Ayeeyo.
(c) Asha Artan.
(d) Hirsi Magen Isse.

5. What did Ayaan's mother force her to tell her father the truth about in Chapter 9, "Abeh"?
(a) Her health.
(b) Her second marraige.
(c) Her first marriage.
(d) Her childhood.

6. What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?
(a) Cairo.
(b) Nairobi.
(c) Riyadh.
(d) Mogadishu.

7. In Chapter 8, "Refugees," Ayaan accompanies her cousin to the border to bring back his family and returns from a 3 week journey with over how many people?
(a) 20.
(b) 14.
(c) 35.
(d) 9.

8. What clan leader does Ayaan go to in order to gain permission to return to Somalia in Chapter 6, "Doubt and Defiance"?
(a) Osman Moussa.
(b) Theo van Gogh.
(c) Mohammed Bouyeri.
(d) Farah Goure.

9. Where did Ayaan's mother decide to send her to study in Chapter 5, "Secret Rendezvous, Sex, and the Scent of Sukumawiki"?
(a) Germany.
(b) A Muslim girls' school.
(c) Somalia.
(d) A Christian school.

10. What British Indian novelist and essayist wrote the book "The Satanic Verses"?
(a) Salman Rushdie.
(b) Neelie Kroes.
(c) Mohammed Bouyeri.
(d) Rita Verdonk.

11. What word refers to both the head covering traditionally worn by Muslim women and modest Muslim styles of dress in general?
(a) Baarri.
(b) Hajj.
(c) Fatwa.
(d) Hijab.

12. In Chapter 5, "Secret Rendezvous, Sex, and the Scent of Sukumawiki," Ayaan attended school where she struggled with what new language as well as English?
(a) Oromo.
(b) Arabic.
(c) Swahili.
(d) Berber.

13. In Chapter 3, "Playing Tag in Allah's Palace," Ayaan's father had rushed off to join a coup against what?
(a) The Balinese government.
(b) The Somali government.
(c) The French government.
(d) The Sudanese government.

14. What distant relative living in Canada did Ayaan's father tell her she would marry in Chapter 9, "Abeh"?
(a) Farah Goure.
(b) Osman Moussa.
(c) Theo van Gogh.
(d) Ali Wersengeli.

15. When she was eight, Hirsi Ali's family left Somalia for what country?
(a) Ethiopia.
(b) Russia.
(c) Kenya.
(d) Saudi Arabia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ayaan write back regarding her cousin to a young woman in Chapter 8, "Refugees"?

2. How old was Ayaan in 1990?

3. After her first husband died, Ayaan's mother requested and received a divorce then moved where?

4. When was Siad Barre born?

5. Where did Ayaan and her sister flee when Somalia fell further into civil war and fighting spread to Mogadishu in Chapter 7, "Disillusion and Deceit"?

(see the answer keys)

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