In These Girls, Hope Is a Muscle Test | Final Test - Medium

Madeleine Blais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In These Girls, Hope Is a Muscle Test | Final Test - Medium

Madeleine Blais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of Chapter 6?
(a) "TEAM, Underlinied and Capitalized."
(b) "Late Night When the Phone Rang."
(c) "Losing."
(d) "You Can All Clap Now."

2. What does the author describe as Kathleen Poe's greatest weakness as a player?
(a) She was too nice.
(b) She had bad timing.
(c) She was too aggressive.
(d) She had no self-esteem.

3. Where was Coach Moyer's older daughter a student, according to the author in Chapter 5?
(a) Milton Academy.
(b) Deerfield Academy.
(c) Horace Mann School.
(d) The Hotchkiss School.

4. With how many points did Jen Pariseau enter the 1992-93 season?
(a) 578.
(b) 995.
(c) 944.
(d) 689.

5. What was the score when Amherst played West Side for the second time in Chapter 8?
(a) 65-64.
(b) 69-35.
(c) 32-31.
(d) 75-44.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sport did Coach Moyer's daughters excel in?

2. The author notes in Chapter 5 that Courtney Moyer and Jen Pariseau had been close friends since what age?

3. How much was the sports participation fee for any student that played a varsity or junior varsity sport at Amherst High School?

4. How many points did Jen score in the first game of the season in Chapter 8?

5. What team did the Hurricanes play in their first game of the season in Chapter 8?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Gumby's family described? What is Gumby's real name?

2. Who invented basketball? When and where was it invented?

3. What were the expectations and the outcome of the Hurricanes game against West Springfield?

4. What physical ailment did Gumby face in sixth grade? How was it treated?

5. How does the author describe the atmosphere in November in Chapter 7?

6. Why was Jade Sharpe chosen for the team? How is Jade described?

7. How is Jonesbones described? What is her real name?

8. How is the game against Hamp described in Chapter 9? What was the final score?

9. How many applicants came to the tryouts for the team in Chapter 5? Who stood out in the tryouts?

10. What questions did the applicants for the team have to answer on their application forms?

(see the answer keys)

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