In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Stanley Karnow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Stanley Karnow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6, Civilizing with a Krag.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. European countries move out by sea and land to explore the unknown reaches of the world in what is known as what?
(a) The "Age of Discovery."
(b) The "Age of the Dinosaurs."
(c) The "Age of Man."
(d) The "Age of Enlightenment."

2. Mark Twain, Samuel Gompers and _________________ find themselves oddly on the same side of the expansionism issue.
(a) John Ford.
(b) Solomon R. Guggenheim.
(c) Andrew Carnegie.
(d) Thomas Eakins.

3. Why does a rebellion in Cuba get much attention in the United States?
(a) Due to its proximity to Florida.
(b) Due to Cuba's size.
(c) Due to Cuba's animosity towards the United States.
(d) Due to Cuba's extraordinary power.

4. Under what pretext does a civilian commission set up offices in Manila?
(a) Getting the point of view of the natives.
(b) Educating the natives.
(c) Protecting Americans in the Philippines.
(d) Finding work for the natives.

5. How does the insurgent force's policy gradually switch?
(a) From a policy of guerrilla tactics to traditional tactics.
(b) From a policy of direct confrontation to no confrontation.
(c) From a policy of guerrilla tactics to direct confrontation.
(d) From a policy of direct confrontation to guerrilla tactics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Under pressure, McKinley appoints Roosevelt as the assistant secretary to whom, who is the secretary of the navy?

2. Where else do the Portuguese aggressively explore over the next ten years?

3. What do the commission reports recommend?

4. What becomes more common for Filipinos?

5. How much difficulty do the Americans have winning most skirmishes?

(see the answer key)

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