In Dubious Battle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Dubious Battle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what is Joy charged after making a speech on a street corner?
(a) Drunk and disorderly.
(b) Public disturbance.
(c) Stabbing a cop in the shoulder with a pocketknife.
(d) Taking a cop hostage.

2. Who does Mac suggest for general chairman because he has a cooler head than London?
(a) Doc Burton.
(b) Dakin.
(c) Himself.
(d) Jim.

3. Who approaches Jim and Mac saying that the committee wants a report?
(a) A troupe of officers.
(b) A private detective.
(c) The Valley men.
(d) The Growers' Association head.

4. What do Jim and Mac catch a ride on at the beginning of Chapter 4?
(a) A cop car.
(b) A freight train.
(c) A boat.
(d) The subway.

5. What as Mac sent away for the previous night that he expects the next morning?
(a) Posters.
(b) Guns.
(c) Stamps.
(d) Amunition.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jim think his mother died while he was in jail for a vagrancy charge?

2. Who do Mac and Jim convince Al of letting them meet while at his Lunch Wagon?

3. To what does Mac compare Jim and his on-the-scene training?

4. Who organizes the men on Anderson's farm land?

5. What nickname does London give Mac that sticks?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 7, why does Mac need Doc Burton to come and stay on the campsite with the strikers?

2. What are the sounds playing at the end of Chapter 6?

3. In Chapter 6, why does the checker offer Jim money in exchange for information? What information?

4. Why does Mac have the clothes burned after helping Lisa give birth?

5. In Chapter 4, how is Mac's claim that the man who tries to scare you is usually scared of you an analogy to the strike?

6. How does Mac use the analogy of running new hunting dogs with old timers with Jim?

7. In Chapter 5, what does Old Dan predict happening with the group of strikers in Torgas Valley? What does he mean by "water heaving before the boil"?

8. Why does Mac say that if Lisa had died the birthing experience would still have been worthwhile?

9. How does Mac explain the process of a strike to Jim?

10. How does Dan break his hip?

(see the answer keys)

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