In Dubious Battle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Dubious Battle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what is Joy charged after making a speech on a street corner?
(a) Public disturbance.
(b) Taking a cop hostage.
(c) Drunk and disorderly.
(d) Stabbing a cop in the shoulder with a pocketknife.

2. What nickname does London give Mac that sticks?
(a) Sarg.
(b) Captain.
(c) Duke.
(d) Doc.

3. How does Harry describe the life of a Party member to Jim?
(a) Becoming a robot that is controlled by the Party.
(b) An easier life than that of non-Party members.
(c) An unparalleled and enoyable existence.
(d) A life of hard work and poverty.

4. For what reason does Mac want reassurance from Doc Burton that he has no civil or legal problems?
(a) Reputation.
(b) His job.
(c) His financial welfare.
(d) Vulnerability.

5. How does London react to Mac's suggestion for someone else as general chairman?
(a) He is infuriated.
(b) He leaves the Party.
(c) He denies.
(d) He agrees.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mac say has just happened to the pickers in Torgas Valley that could help incite a riot?

2. What does Jim wonder that Dan should be doing instead of manual labor?

3. What does Mac admit to Jim after delivering Lisa's baby?

4. What does Mac admit to feeling good about at the end of Chapter 4?

5. What does Jim reminisce about from his childhood while watching the countryside go by?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 4, how is Mac's claim that the man who tries to scare you is usually scared of you an analogy to the strike?

2. In Chapter 6, why does the checker offer Jim money in exchange for information? What information?

3. How does Dan break his hip?

4. In Chapter 2, Jim reminisces about mysterious happenings during his childhood; how did this, according to Jim, affect his mother?

5. How does Mac convince Anderson to let them use his land as a camping ground for the strikers?

6. Why does Joy remind Jim of his father?

7. What does Jim point out to Dakin when he says that he will pick cotton when all of the apples are picked?

8. What reason does Jim give Harry wanting to join the Party?

9. Why does Jim think his mother died?

10. Why does Al use his business and his father's land to explain why he does not want to join the cause?

(see the answer keys)

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