In a Strange Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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In a Strange Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the legislative capital of South Africa?

2. Along the road to Semonkong, Damon and Reiner reach a village and take a room, too exhausted to pitch their tent. How long do they stay?

3. On what kind of project does Reiner tell Damon he is working when they begin exchanging letters while Damon is in Cape Town in Part One: The Follower?

4. Where does Reiner tell Damon he is working when they begin exchanging letters while Damon is in Cape Town in Part One: The Follower?

5. One night in Part One: The Follower, Reiner tells Damon that he wants to travel how far the next day to challenge himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. What conclusions arise from Part One: The Follower? What has Damon gained through his journey in this story?

2. Where is the first leg of Damon and Reiner's trip to Lesotho in Part One: The Follower? How do the men travel and where do they stay?

3. What differences does Damon see between himself and Reiner before they depart for Lesotho in Part One: The Follower?

4. Where does Reiner go after dinner at the hotel in Maseru in Part One: The Follower? Why?

5. What are the reasons Damon and Reiner give for their travels to Greece in Part One: The Follower?

6. Why does the stranger come to the narrator's room at the hostel in Part One: The Follower? Who is the man?

7. What causes Damon to feel resentment toward Reiner when they purchase food for the trip in Part One: The Follower?

8. Where does Reiner suggest Damon and he go hiking while on his visit in South Africa in Part One: The Follower? What personality traits does Damon notice about his friend at this time?

9. What does Damon relate about his isolation and traveling while in Sparta in Part One: The Follower?

10. What is revealed in the letters between Reiner and Damon in Part One: The Follower? Where is Reiner located at this time?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe and discuss the setting of Malawi, Zambia and the characters established in the beginning of Part Two. Where did Damon meet these companions?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the character of Anna in comparison to the other traveling companions Damon has had in the book. How is Anna similar to Reiner and Jerome? How is she different?

Essay Topic 3

Describe and discuss the setting of Lesotho. Why did Reiner want to hike to this region? How does this setting relate to the novel's themes?

(see the answer keys)

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