The Importance of Being Earnest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Importance of Being Earnest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Chasuble cite in chastising Algernon for gluttony?
(a) St. Paul
(b) Aristotle
(c) St. Augustine
(d) Dante

2. Why does Algernon suggest Jack not get christened?
(a) The name "Jack" suits him
(b) It is blashpemous
(c) It is tedious
(d) He might get a chill

3. What does Cecily do with the scissors?
(a) Scare off Algernon's advances
(b) Prune a bush while Algernon eats
(c) Cut a rose for Algernon
(d) Cut a thread from the hem of her skirts

4. What is Cecily's justification that she should not have to learn German?
(a) Germany has done nothing for Britain
(b) German is a boorish language
(c) There is no profit in learning German
(d) Germany is overpopulated

5. Who serves tea to Cecily and Gwendolen?
(a) Merriman
(b) Moulton
(c) Lane
(d) Grigsby

6. What does Gwendolen beg Cecily to call her after they realize they are deceived?
(a) Mother
(b) Friend
(c) Gwen
(d) Sister

7. How does Algernon explain the money he owes for various dinners in London to Cecily?
(a) They were for Bunbury
(b) He runs a soup kitchen in the city
(c) A large debt is a sign of wealth in London
(d) He has been confused with another man

8. Why will Cecily not allow Algernon to read her diary?
(a) It is all about him
(b) She intends to publish it
(c) It is in secret language
(d) It is improper

9. How many pounds does Ernest owe the Savoy?
(a) 255
(b) 762
(c) 1,084
(d) 1,560

10. What minor character defames the German language at the beginning of the Act?
(a) Lane
(b) Moulton
(c) Mr. Grigsby
(d) Merriman

11. What attribute of Ernest does Cecily love?
(a) His taste
(b) His hair
(c) His name
(d) All of the above

12. What mission does Algernon give Cecily?
(a) To intercept Jack's mail
(b) To fethch him lunch
(c) To inquire after Gwendolen's health
(d) To reform him

13. How does Jack feel about affection?
(a) He yearns for it
(b) He fears it
(c) He loathes it
(d) He relies on it

14. When Algernon arrives, under what name is he traveling?
(a) Bunbury
(b) Oscar
(c) Ernest
(d) Jack

15. What German writer is Cecily studying at the top of Act II?
(a) Goethe
(b) Hegel
(c) Schiller
(d) Schopenhauer

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon finding out the Cecily is Mr. Worthing's ward, how old does Gwendolen wish Cecily was?

2. Where does Cecily get her ideas for her diary?

3. Why did Cecily and Ernest break off their first engagement?

4. What does Miss Prism recommend to Chasuble?

5. What, according to Miss Prism, does Socialism lead to?

(see the answer keys)

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