Imperium Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ryszard Kapuściński
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Imperium Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ryszard Kapuściński
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What era was that during Ryszard's last visit?
(a) It was the Stalin era.
(b) It was the Lenin era.
(c) It was the Bolshevik era.
(d) It was the Brezhnev era.

2. What were the passengers on the train like?
(a) Everyone was quiet.
(b) Everyone shared their life stories.
(c) Everyone made up stories.
(d) Everyone laughed and told jokes.

3. What did the soldiers take from them?
(a) Boots
(b) Coats
(c) Books
(d) Alcohol

4. Who controls Armenia in the late 1980s and early 1990s?
(a) The Red Party controls Armenia in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
(b) The BolsheviksThe local armend forces control Armenia in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
(c) No-one controls Armenia in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
(d) The local armend forces control Armenia in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

5. What does Ryszard think about nomadism?
(a) He maintains that nomads are a detriment to society.
(b) He maintains that human civilization can't exist without the nomad.
(c) He maintains that nomads are the key to crime in society.
(d) He thinks nomads are the key to world education.

6. How does Ryszard feel about the imperium?
(a) He is skeptical that it can be democratized.
(b) He is confident that it can be democratized.
(c) He is skeptical that it can be communized.
(d) He is confident that it can become a communized.

7. Who built the Temple of Christ the Savior?
(a) Peter the Great
(b) Stalin
(c) Alexander II
(d) Alexander I

8. What towns do the travelers go through on their journey?
(a) Omsk, Chelyabinsk, and Zarinsk
(b) Novosibirsk, Omsk, and Chelyabinsk
(c) Novosibirsk, Omsk, and Bugotak
(d) Molot, Koziovo, and Ossinniki

9. What was the food like in Ryszard's life?
(a) They had every choice of food imaginable.
(b) It was plentiful.
(c) It was fine if you like eating only potatoes.
(d) It was scarce.

10. How do Ninnik and Ryszard view the city of Azerbaijan?
(a) They view the city from a mountain at night.
(b) They view the city from an airplane.
(c) They view the city from a mountain at the height of the day.
(d) They view the city using maps from ancient and modern texts.

11. Where is the author heading along with his mother and sister?
(a) He is heading to Moscow.
(b) He is heading to his home in Pinsk, Poland.
(c) He is heading to the store.
(d) He is heading far away from his home.

12. What political studies did Ryszard have in first grade?
(a) Leninism
(b) Bolshevikism
(c) Marxism
(d) Democracy

13. Where did Ryszard come across the Imperium the second time?
(a) The Asian Steppes
(b) In Pinsk
(c) In Germany
(d) In Hungary

14. How old is Ryszard when he is caught by the Soviet soldiers?
(a) 7
(b) 15
(c) 3
(d) 12

15. What is Aremenian behavior similar to, according to the author?
(a) It's similar a republic.
(b) It's similar to the government in the United States.
(c) It's similar to Bolshevik's.
(d) It's very similar to the previous Soviet regime.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did people of Moscow regard speech?

2. What is the condition of the city in Georgia?

3. When was Ryszard's third encounter with the Imperium?

4. What was Ryszard' destination?

5. What is happening to Soviet and Russian symbolism in Armenia in the late 1980s and early 1990s ?

(see the answer keys)

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