Il Giorno Della Civetta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Il Giorno Della Civetta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the rocky network of caves and chasms in Sicily?
(a) Montecitorio.
(b) The Carabinieri.
(c) Lupara.
(d) Gramoli Chiarchiaro.

2. What kind of projects does the Captain point out that the don has been involved with at the end of Section 9?
(a) Building.
(b) Scientific.
(c) Legal.
(d) Political.

3. According to the first confession the police hear in Section 7, where does Marchica hide out after the murders?
(a) The church.
(b) Pizzuco's mother's home.
(c) Pizzuco's sister's home.
(d) His mother's home.

4. What word does Captain Bellodi discover a man's dog's name to be derived from in Section 8 that means chief of police?
(a) Brescianelli.
(b) Bargello.
(c) Montecitorio.
(d) Carabinieri.

5. What do the characters at the beginning of Section 9 consider the most important piece of evidence the police have in their murder investigation?
(a) Marchica's confession.
(b) Mrs. Nicolosi's confession.
(c) The don's identity.
(d) Pizzuco's confession.

6. What is the name of the minister that is revealed to have possible mafia ties in Section 8?
(a) Minister La Rosa.
(b) Minister D'Antona.
(c) Minister Mancuso.
(d) Minister Livigni.

7. According to the first confession the police hear in Section 7, who offers to supply the gun for the murder?
(a) Don Arena.
(b) Paolo Nicolosi.
(c) Saro Pizzuco.
(d) Diego Marchica.

8. How does the high-ranking minister react when he hears one of his ministers might have mafia connections in Section 8?
(a) Happy.
(b) Excited.
(c) Sad.
(d) Horrified.

9. Whose office is the man the police allow to sit in the captain's office during interrogation able to see into?
(a) Sergeant D'Antona's.
(b) Sergeant Livigni's.
(c) Minister Mancusi's.
(d) Sergeant Major Ferlisi's.

10. What does a man reveal to a high-ranking minister will be on the front page of a newspaper at the beginning of Section 8?
(a) An accusation of murder.
(b) A picture of a minister with Pizzuco.
(c) A picture of Don Arena with an important minister.
(d) A picture of Marchica with a government official.

11. What happens when the medic tries to obtain justice against members of the mafia according to Captain Bellodi's story in Section 10?
(a) A lawyer helps him.
(b) He is ignored.
(c) The police help him.
(d) Reporters notice him.

12. What do the girls Captain Bellodi and his friend meet in Section 10 believe heats the blood of Sicilian people?
(a) Fire.
(b) The sun.
(c) Poison.
(d) Wine.

13. What is the man being interviewed by police actually telling them when the other prisoner watches the interview from the captain's office?
(a) A confession.
(b) About his family.
(c) His personal information.
(d) About his work.

14. Which of the following things does Captain Bellodi and his friend not do after running into a woman on the street in Section 10?
(a) Go dancing at a local club.
(b) Go back to the girl's house.
(c) Listen to records.
(d) Sit by the fireplace.

15. What country does the Captain wish Italy would adopt laws from that would allow more mafia members to be arrested?
(a) The United States.
(b) Mexico.
(c) France.
(d) Canada.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose poise is considered unflappable in Section 9?

2. Who does the Captain use as an example when trying to prove the don used corrupt building contracts in Section 9?

3. Where does Captain Bellodi tell some girls that most mafia bosses would stay while they were in jail in Section 10?

4. How does the don respond when he is shown a confession in Section 9?

5. How many characters are shown at the beginning of Section 9?

(see the answer keys)

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