Idylls of the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Idylls of the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Vivien's father die?
(a) By hanging.
(b) At war with Arthur.
(c) Fighting for Arthur.
(d) Of old age.

2. Whom does Enid overhear plotting to kill Geraint on their journey in "Geraint and Enid"?
(a) Knights.
(b) Dwarves.
(c) Bandits.
(d) Women.

3. In the Dedication, what land is "Thick with wet woods, and many a beast therein"?
(a) Caeleon.
(b) Leodogran.
(c) Cameliard.
(d) Camelot.

4. What does Geraint do to the Earl of Doorm?
(a) Has him hanged.
(b) Stabs him through the heart.
(c) Wounds him and leaves him living.
(d) Removes his head.

5. Whose mission is it to hunt the wood devil in "Balin and Balan"?
(a) Lancelot's.
(b) Balan's.
(c) Balin's.
(d) Galahad's.

6. Geraint's peers attribute his leaving Arthur's circle as a loss of what?
(a) Courage.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Manliness.
(d) Virtue.

7. Who does Balin kill in the end of "Balin and Balan"?
(a) Gawain.
(b) Balan.
(c) Vivien.
(d) Arthur.

8. How many siblings does Guinevere have?
(a) Three.
(b) One.
(c) Two.
(d) None.

9. Who is the most fearsome of the knights who has seized Lynette's sister in "Gareth and Lynette"?
(a) Noon.
(b) Evening.
(c) Night.
(d) Morning.

10. The men in the tournament in "The Marriage of Geraint" are only allowed to participate if they have who with them?
(a) Their daughter.
(b) The woman they love.
(c) Their mother.
(d) Their father.

11. Whose symbol does Balin gain permission to wear on his shield in "Balin and Balan"?
(a) Balan's.
(b) Guinevere's.
(c) Arthur's.
(d) Edith's.

12. What do some men believe is more fitting of a maiden for a knight in "Merlin and Vivien"?
(a) Remaining a virgin.
(b) Bearing children.
(c) Marrying.
(d) Committing suicide.

13. Of what material is the dress Enid wore in "The Marriage of Geraint" when they met?
(a) Silk.
(b) Satin.
(c) Wool.
(d) Cotton.

14. What happens to Geraint when he goes to find out the identity of the knight in the woods in "The Marriage of Geraint"?
(a) He is stabbed with a dagger.
(b) He is slapped with a glove.
(c) He is stabbed with a lance.
(d) He is lashed with a whip.

15. What is the name of King Arthur's castle?
(a) Camelot.
(b) England.
(c) Arthurian.
(d) Excalibur.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long had Balin been exiled in "Balin and Balan"?

2. Who goes in secret and defeats Balin and Balan?

3. Merlin's sought-after spell involved being able to do what to people?

4. Arthur's knights claim that two men know the truth of Arthur's birth. These are Merlin and who?

5. What does lightening strike in "Merlin and Vivien"?

(see the answer keys)

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