Idylls of the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Idylls of the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Merlin's sought-after spell involved being able to do what to people?
(a) Imprison them.
(b) Kill them.
(c) Make them fall in love.
(d) Make them sorrowful.

2. What does lightening strike in "Merlin and Vivien"?
(a) A branch.
(b) A book.
(c) Vivien.
(d) Merlin.

3. Who is King Pellam's heir in "Balin and Balan"?
(a) Balin.
(b) Garlon.
(c) Arthur.
(d) Uther.

4. Arthur's royalty is questioned because people don't believe he is whose son?
(a) Uther's.
(b) Leodogran's.
(c) Gorlois'.
(d) Aurelius'.

5. In which direction is the wood devil in "Balin and Balan"?
(a) South.
(b) North.
(c) West.
(d) East.

6. Why doesn't Enid succeed in warning Geraint initially of the coming attack by her former suitor in "Geraint and Enid"?
(a) He is asleep.
(b) He is eating.
(c) He leaves the room.
(d) He won't listen to her.

7. Who attacks Gareth and Lynette when they first set out to save Lynette's sister?
(a) Sir Belvidere.
(b) Sir Kay.
(c) Sir Lancelot.
(d) Sir Gawain.

8. Who is Guinevere's father?
(a) Galdrien.
(b) Leogordian.
(c) Urien.
(d) Leodogran.

9. Who raised Arthur?
(a) Uther.
(b) Lodogrian.
(c) Gorlois.
(d) Sir Anton.

10. How does Vivien tell Guinevere that her parents died?
(a) Fighting for Arthur.
(b) Fighting against Arthur.
(c) In a convent.
(d) In an accident.

11. Gareth's mother allows him to go to Arthur's court on the condition that he work where first?
(a) The farm.
(b) The kitchen.
(c) The garden.
(d) The stables.

12. What do some men believe is more fitting of a maiden for a knight in "Merlin and Vivien"?
(a) Bearing children.
(b) Remaining a virgin.
(c) Committing suicide.
(d) Marrying.

13. In the Dedication, what would steal and devour the children in the land where Guinevere lived?
(a) Bears.
(b) Wolves.
(c) Lions.
(d) Tigers.

14. In what way does Vivien attempt to woo Merlin in "Merlin and Vivien"?
(a) Using her wiles.
(b) Making him desperate for her.
(c) Cheering him up.
(d) Stealing his children.

15. What is Sparrow-Hawk's real name?
(a) Galahad.
(b) Uther.
(c) Edyrn.
(d) Mark.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who hears a minstrel of Guinevere and Lancelot with Vivien in "Merlin and Vivien"?

2. To whose territory do Enid and Geraint travel after the duel between Geraint and her former suitor?

3. Who asks Vivien to go to Arthur's court and reveal scandal in "Merlin and Vivien"?

4. By what are Balin and Balan located outside Camelot in the beginning of "Balin and Balan"?

5. When did Guinevere arrive at Camelot?

(see the answer keys)

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