Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what is Einstein accused by several scientific communities?
(a) Heretical theses.
(b) Impartiality.
(c) Atrocity mongering.
(d) Insanity.

2. What does Einstein say the German people used to believe?
(a) The same ideals Einstein has worked for his entire life.
(b) That God was just and treated all humans equally.
(c) That Europe was its friend.
(d) That the people held the power, not the leaders.

3. To what does a fable about a shepherd boy, a horse, and a stag relate?
(a) To Germany, the Nazis, and the Jews.
(b) To astrology.
(c) To a nomadic way of life and astrology.
(d) To Jesus, Jews and Hitler.

4. What does Einstein say about the theory of relativity?
(a) It is a relatively new theory that has only come into existence since the last expansion of the Universe.
(b) It is non-revolutionary and non-speculative.
(c) It holds the key to understanding who God is.
(d) Until absolutely proven, it is all speculation.

5. Why does Einstein put mathematics above other sciences?
(a) Because he is in the final analysis a mathematician.
(b) Because mathematics is the only true art.
(c) Because its propositions are beyond debate and not steadily evolving.
(d) Because mathematics is pure logic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the result of the accusations by these scientific communities?

2. What is one thing Einstein says about Zionism?

3. What essay opens Part 4?

4. What does the theory of relativity resemble?

5. Who "frees" space from rigidity?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Einstein see the change in Jews towards Palestine?

2. What caused an exchange of correspondence between Einstein and the Prussian and Bavarian academies of science in 1933?

3. What do the Academies demand that Einstein deplores?

4. Why does Einstein say Judaism is not a religion?

5. Einstein says Kepler and Galileo "ripened" mankind for science. How did they do that?

6. What supports a finite universe and who doubts that?

7. Why does he say the protest might be better without him?

8. Why does the theory of relativity show how modern theoretical science develops?

9. What does Einstein say about the Jews who died in the Warsaw Ghetto battles?

10. What does Einstein Jews have been in the past two thousand years and what did they lack? What are they trying to establish now?

(see the answer keys)

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