Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What correspondence does Einstein present in this part?
(a) Between him and his mentor.
(b) Between him and his wife.
(c) Between him and Prussian and Bavarian academies of science .
(d) Between him and the president of the United States.

2. What does Infinite space mean?
(a) That space is occupied by an infinite number of atoms.
(b) That there is no finte end to the boundaries of the Universe.
(c) That eternity and inifinite space are identical.
(d) That any number of bodies of equal size can be laid side-by-side without ever filling it.

3. According to Einstein, what must Jews continue to do?
(a) Be patient.
(b) Be diligent.
(c) Be just.
(d) Enoble the human race.

4. What does Inertia cause?
(a) Lassitude.
(b) Circulation to be greatest just beyond the place of greatest curvature.
(c) A slow-down in electron movement the closer one is to the gravitation pull of the sun.
(d) A tendency to move faster once propeled.

5. Neither intelligence nor institutions can substitute for what?
(a) Understanding, justice, and willingness to help others.
(b) Military aid to save the Jews.
(c) A new homeland for the Jews.
(d) A life that is safe.

6. With what is Judaism concerned?
(a) The return of Jews to their homeland.
(b) The proper worship of God.
(c) Moral attitudes.
(d) The hope of the afterlife.

7. What does Anti-Semitism means?
(a) Being for disarmament.
(b) Prejudice towards Jewish People.
(c) Being against academic institutions.
(d) Prejudice towards Semite people.

8. How does Einstein characterize the first ten years of the Jewish presence in Palestine?
(a) As exceeding all expectations.
(b) As grueling and discouraging.
(c) As about what expected.
(d) As a dismal failure.

9. What is Einstein's response to the demands of the academies?
(a) Refusal.
(b) That he will work for any country he desires.
(c) To sue them for his pay and benefits.
(d) That his research notes are his own.

10. For what must general laws be valid?
(a) Only for observable phenomenon.
(b) For collorary specifics.
(c) For other related general laws.
(d) For all natural phenomena.

11. What does Newton introduce in his ideas?
(a) The idea of charged ions creating force fields.
(b) The idea that gravity is responding to invisible ley lines.
(c) The idea of a force needed to overcome inertia.
(d) The concept of mass.

12. What does quantum theory offer in the way of spatial relationships?
(a) The rationale for a theory of distance.
(b) Nothing.
(c) It can determine the mathematical probabilities of finding structures at a particular spot.
(d) A way of showing the exact place of any given atom at an exact moment.

13. What prevents Jews from giving blind obeisance to any moral authority?
(a) The value Jews place on individualism.
(b) The education of their people.
(c) The commands of the Torah.
(d) A strong critical spirit.

14. What do the academies not regret?
(a) Einstein's expulsion.
(b) The resignation of several key members.
(c) Searching for the truth.
(d) Einstein's resignation.

15. Why should Judaism not be called a religion?
(a) Because it is a way of life.
(b) Because it acknowledges all paths lead to God.
(c) Because it demands no "faith"; just the sanctification of life.
(d) Because faith is counter to its precepts.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the "A Reply to the Invitation to Participate in a Meeting against Anti-Semitism" being held?

2. What does Einstein think will restore the heart of the Jewish people?

3. At the time Einstein writes "Why Do They Hate the Jews?" how many Jews are there?

4. To what does a fable about a shepherd boy, a horse, and a stag relate?

5. What is the starting point for the concept of space?

(see the answer keys)

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