Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Einstein explaining in "A Reply to the Invitation to Participate in a Meeting against Anti-Semitism" ?
(a) His suggestion of changing the date and time of the meeting.
(b) His rationale for why the Germans are doing what they are doing.
(c) His refusal to participate in a meeting against Anti-Semitism.
(d) His concern that there is a rally against Ant-Semitism.

2. What does Germany use to justify atrocities against the Jews?
(a) That the Jews have more money than any other group in Germany and therefore must be greedy.
(b) Fabricated crimes committed by the Jewish people.
(c) That the Jews are not a religious but rather racial group of people.
(d) The fact that the Jews are not native Germans.

3. How do the actions of the heroes of the battle of the Warsaw Ghetto help all Jewish people?
(a) They demonstrate the extreme situation and it will help other nations open their borders to the Jews.
(b) They show that Jewish people will fight.
(c) They demonstrate the idea that attacking any Jew is at one's own peril.
(d) They are strengthening the bonds among Jews of all nations.

4. To what does a fable about a shepherd boy, a horse, and a stag relate?
(a) To Germany, the Nazis, and the Jews.
(b) To a nomadic way of life and astrology.
(c) To astrology.
(d) To Jesus, Jews and Hitler.

5. Why should Judaism not be called a religion?
(a) Because it demands no "faith"; just the sanctification of life.
(b) Because faith is counter to its precepts.
(c) Because it is a way of life.
(d) Because it acknowledges all paths lead to God.

6. Of what is Einstein accused by several scientific communities?
(a) Heretical theses.
(b) Impartiality.
(c) Atrocity mongering.
(d) Insanity.

7. What is the third requirement for living in a country?
(a) Cooperative people.
(b) Simple social structure.
(c) Non-prejudism.
(d) Equality under the law.

8. For what has Einstein worked his entire life?
(a) Truth and fairness.
(b) Justice and liberty.
(c) Justice and acceptance.
(d) Liberty and truth.

9. What does Infinite space mean?
(a) That eternity and inifinite space are identical.
(b) That any number of bodies of equal size can be laid side-by-side without ever filling it.
(c) That there is no finte end to the boundaries of the Universe.
(d) That space is occupied by an infinite number of atoms.

10. What is the starting point for the concept of space?
(a) The quark space.
(b) The alpha point.
(c) The omega point.
(d) The interval.

11. What new physical reality does Faraday introduce?
(a) The field.
(b) The reality of spirit.
(c) The 5th dimension.
(d) The rotuse.

12. At the time Einstein writes "Why Do They Hate the Jews?" how many Jews are there?
(a) 5 million.
(b) 1.5 million.
(c) 16 million.
(d) 30 million.

13. To whom do the scientific academies declare their loyalties?
(a) Impartial research.
(b) Scientific principles.
(c) The State.
(d) The truth.

14. What is a second requirement for Einstein for living in a country?
(a) The pursuit of happiness ideal.
(b) Tolerance.
(c) Justice for those who are oppressed.
(d) Intolerance for others who do not adhere to Jewish ideals.

15. With what is Judaism concerned?
(a) Moral attitudes.
(b) The hope of the afterlife.
(c) The return of Jews to their homeland.
(d) The proper worship of God.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are elite volunteers doing?

2. What does Einstein say the German people used to believe?

3. Concepts acquire content only when connected with what?

4. How does Einstein characterize his treatment when he lived in Germany earlier?

5. Besides pure logical thinking what else is required to attain knowledge of the empirical world?

(see the answer keys)

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