Ideas and Opinions Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ideas and Opinions Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why must disarmament and joint security occur all at once or not at all?
(a) Because peace is unenforcable if some countries are still armed.
(b) Because someone will inevitably double cross the others.
(c) Because those countries still armed will not do what they say once others disarm.
(d) Because as long as war is possible, everyone wants to be in a position to win.

2. In "Paradise Lost," what does Einstein particularly rue?
(a) That he has no artistic talents.
(b) That Eve is blamed for sin.
(c) That nationalism has subverted the sharing of intellectual and artistic pursuits.
(d) That Milton did not go far enough in his epic poem.

3. Who does Einstein praise for her moral qualities and hardships above her intellectual accomplishments?
(a) Mother Theresa.
(b) Golda Meir.
(c) Marie Curie.
(d) Samantha Carter.

4. What is one thing Einstein says about Zionism?
(a) That it is an evil tyranny that is as bad as the situation the Jews left.
(b) That it is one small step towards integration with the Arabs to share the land.
(c) That its vision is dubious.
(d) That it must be not a political movement but a realization of the social ideal of the Bible.

5. With the family eroding, society depends on the schools for what?
(a) To supervise activities rather than learning.
(b) Not to transfer a maximum quantity of knowledge to students, but to help them think and act independently.
(c) To teach morals.
(d) To instill purpose in the students.

Short Answer Questions

1. What would be for better than for a Jewish state to be created?

2. Once combat starts, what is meaningless?

3. Where does Einstein present "Religion and Science"?

4. How does Einstein view Bertrand Russell?

5. Of what does Einstein warn Fascist nations?

(see the answer key)

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