The Iceman Cometh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Iceman Cometh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the others react to Joe's challenge?
(a) With tears.
(b) With surprise.
(c) With laughter.
(d) With hostility.

2. What new characters arrive?
(a) Mark and Patrick.
(b) Megan and Patty.
(c) Molly and Polly.
(d) Margie and Pearl.

3. Hickey is a friend of whom?
(a) Larry.
(b) Parritt.
(c) Harry.
(d) Rocky.

4. Why do they sit down by Rocky?
(a) To catch up on the gossip they have missed.
(b) To hand over the proceeds of their night's work.
(c) They are friends with Rocky.
(d) He will buy them a drink.

5. Why are Lewis and Wetjoen reliving their rivalry?
(a) They are awakened by Willie's song.
(b) They relive it every night.
(c) It is entertaining for the other regulars.
(d) Larry had brought up the war.

6. What does Hickey know about everyone?
(a) They resent him.
(b) They understand him.
(c) They trust him.
(d) They like him.

7. Of what was Larry once an active member?
(a) The Anarchist Movement.
(b) The NRA.
(c) The Sierra Club.
(d) The Boy Scouts.

8. What does Larry call Parritt?
(a) A freak.
(b) A hypocrite.
(c) A genious.
(d) His son.

9. Why does Rocky tell Lewis and Wetjoen to calm down?
(a) They are annoying him.
(b) Their disagreement is petty.
(c) The party will start soon.
(d) Hickey will get upset with them.

10. What does Larry say jokingly to the comatose Hugo?
(a) Hickey is too popular for his own good.
(b) The girls are annoying him.
(c) Hickey has started a real revolution.
(d) He wants to run away.

11. Why does Joe announce the bar is closed?
(a) The bar is closed because there is no alcohol left.
(b) The bar is closed for the party.
(c) The bar is closed for repairs.
(d) The bar is closed for an inspection.

12. What does he say about the person who made these comments?
(a) He has it all wrong.
(b) He is correct.
(c) She has it all wrong.
(d) She is correct.

13. What are almost all the regulars doing?
(a) Arguing.
(b) Running tabs.
(c) Talking.
(d) Complaining.

14. What has Hickey inspired Mosher to do?
(a) Try his luck with the circus again.
(b) Stop drinking.
(c) Give up his return to the circus.
(d) Stop stealing.

15. Who is the man who arrived the night before?
(a) Willie.
(b) Harry.
(c) Joe.
(d) Parritt.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who mediates their argument?

2. On what do Lewis, Wetjoen, and Jimmy live?

3. Why is Larry angry with Parritt?

4. Who wakes Hugo up from his drunken stupor?

5. What does Hickey say Parritt believes is finished?

(see the answer keys)

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