I Will Always Write Back Test | Final Test - Easy

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Always Write Back Test | Final Test - Easy

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Martin's mother give him before he leaves for school?
(a) A notebook.
(b) A pillow.
(c) A blazer.
(d) A blanket.

2. What do Caitlin and Anne do that makes Wallace uncomfortable?
(a) They sing to him.
(b) They insult him.
(c) They hug him.
(d) They tease him.

3. Which of these things does Anne NOT purchase for Wallace when he is studying at the American university?
(a) A refrigerator.
(b) Toiletries.
(c) New bedding.
(d) A computer.

4. What about the waitress does Caitlin explain to Wallace?
(a) That she has platinum blonde hair.
(b) That she has tattoos.
(c) That she is shorter than average.
(d) That she is wearing a nose ring.

5. When Caitlin has done everything she can to bring Martin to the United States, what is her last effort?
(a) She begs her school to fund Martin's college tuition.
(b) She gives up and sinks into despair.
(c) She writes a letter to The Washington Post asking for help.
(d) She prays that God will help bring Martin to the United States.

6. While working as a teacher in a remote village, where does Martin bathe?
(a) In the stream.
(b) In the concrete shower behind the school.
(c) In the old metal bathtub in the thatched hut
(d) In the waterfall in the jungle.

7. What happens that improves the speed and frequency of Martin and Caitlin's correspondence?
(a) Caitlin sends Martin a computer.
(b) Martin has enough money to buy airmail stamps.
(c) Mr. Muzawazi allows Martin to use his computer.
(d) Anne purchases a computer for the school library.

8. What program helps Caitlin move toward her career goal?
(a) Foreign exchange program.
(b) Apprenticeship program.
(c) Community service program.
(d) Dual enrollment program.

9. How does Martin get his passport processed quickly?
(a) Anne writes a special request to the passport office.
(b) Caitlin calls the passport office and explains Martin's situation.
(c) Mr. Muzawazi calls a former student who runs the passport office.
(d) Martin pays an extra feed for quicker turn-around.

10. What is Martin's score on his first SAT test?
(a) 900.
(b) 1400.
(c) 1200.
(d) 1100.

11. What are the results of Martin's O-level exams?
(a) Eight A's and one B+ out of nine tests.
(b) Six A's and 3 B's out of nine tests.
(c) Nine A's out of nine tests.
(d) Seven A's and 2 B's out of nine tests.

12. Who gets on the phone and takes responsibility for making sure that Martin can board the airplane to come to America?
(a) Alois.
(b) Tecla.
(c) Rich.
(d) Caitlin.

13. What is the nickname of the student Martin meets who is wearing cheap sandals like the ones sold at the market near Martin's home?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Hound.
(c) Bear.
(d) Monkey.

14. What career does Caitlin begin to focus on?
(a) Teaching.
(b) Nursing.
(c) Publishing.
(d) Accounting.

15. Where does Caitlin's family take Wallace for dinner?
(a) Hard Rock Cafe.
(b) McDonalds.
(c) Applebees.
(d) Sizzler Steakhouse.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one thing Wallace does not understand about American students?

2. What does Wallace tell Caitlin about Martin?

3. What does Martin dream of the night before he first teaches school?

4. After Caitlin and Damon fight about her study habits, what grade does Caitlin receive on her psychology test?

5. Who does Anne write to as a last resort?

(see the answer keys)

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