I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Elli's father think ambition is a desirable trait?
(a) Ambition makes others like you.
(b) Ambition can make a person accomplish more.
(c) Ambition gives others confidence.
(d) Ambition shows you care.

2. What does Elli's father show her in the basement?
(a) Where he hid her yellow bicycle.
(b) Where he buried the family's valuable jewelry.
(c) Where to keep her poetry and money.
(d) Where to hide from soldiers.

3. Where does Jancsi want to meet Elli?
(a) A deli.
(b) The synagogue.
(c) His home.
(d) The library.

4. When Elli and Laura arrive at the waiting cart for Nagymagar, why are the soldiers angry?
(a) The firewood will not remain situated.
(b) The Jews are loud and angry.
(c) One Jewish family brought too many belongings.
(d) Two Jewish females remain free in an Aryan town.

5. What are the overall living conditions in "The Ghetto" for Jewish families?
(a) They are under heavy guard with limited space.
(b) The families steal from each to survive.
(c) They know no one, and the place is filthy.
(d) They are comfortable and happy.

6. What orders does the family receive on May 20 in regard to traveling?
(a) To bring only food.
(b) To wear extra clothing.
(c) To take nothing.
(d) To take only what they can carry.

7. How do Laura and Elli plan to travel to Nagymagyar?
(a) On the final cart.
(b) In a car.
(c) On a horse.
(d) On a big train.

8. For what does Old Mr. Stern pray?
(a) The long road that lies ahead.
(b) Safety for children.
(c) Courage and bravery for the men.
(d) Everyone's safe return.

9. How does Elli work in school?
(a) She makes good grades easily.
(b) She does not concentrate well.
(c) She is incredibly ambitious.
(d) She is sloppy in her work.

10. Under what conditions does Elli leave her school?
(a) With taunts referring to her Jewish background.
(b) With a graduation party.
(c) With her classmates crying.
(d) With little notice.

11. Where do Laura and Elli visit before they traveled to Nagymagyar?
(a) The synogogue.
(b) The school.
(c) The cemetery.
(d) The river.

12. What place does Elli describe as "the most notorious forced labor camp in Poland"?
(a) Plaszow.
(b) Soldau.
(c) Gross-Rosen.
(d) Ohrdruf.

13. What happens to the women in the showers at Auschwitz?
(a) They are given soap.
(b) They are spashed with hot water.
(c) They are blasted with cold water.
(d) They are sprayed with poison.

14. Why does a girl have blood running down her leg?
(a) She cut her leg.
(b) She started her period.
(c) She hurt herself at work.
(d) A guard shot her.

15. Where are many families sleeping in "The Ghetto"?
(a) Abandonded buildings.
(b) In tents.
(c) Outside.
(d) The synagogue.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Elli not have the chance to graduate?

2. After a guard takes the young girl during the riot, what do the females hear?

3. What is Laura's reaction about Aunt Serene's orders to go to a side different from Laura's during selection?

4. What do Marta Kalman and her mother bring Elli?

5. What do Elli and her mother do with their first serving of food at Auschwitz?

(see the answer keys)

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