I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 183 through 223.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A local woman thinks that Elli is __________years old.
(a) Ten.
(b) Thirty-nine.
(c) Sixty-two.
(d) Fifty.

2. After the women are driven into a room at Auschwitz, what happens to them?
(a) Forced at gunpoint to strip and are shaven.
(b) Given a bed and towel.
(c) Bathed by cruel guards.
(d) Beaten to strip.

3. When women strip for guards, what is the one possession they retain?
(a) Their underwear.
(b) Their socks.
(c) Their shoes.
(d) Their blankets.

4. Where do Laura and Elli visit before they traveled to Nagymagyar?
(a) The synogogue.
(b) The school.
(c) The cemetery.
(d) The river.

5. How does Laura demonstrate affection?
(a) Laura is not demonstrative with affection.
(b) Laura reads stories at night.
(c) Laura writes her children notes.
(d) Laura gives lots of hugs and kisses.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the guards force the women outside for roll call, what does Elli wish she had thought about earlier?

2. How does Elli handle being forced to wear the yellow star?

3. For what are the women punished at Auschwitz?

4. At the start of the book, how does Elli spend her days?

5. When a military guard asks Laura her name, how does she reply?

(see the answer key)

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