I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did President Eisenhower claim encouraged American military involvement around the globe?
(a) A "military financed by the people."
(b) A "military formed by the different."
(c) A "military-industrial complex."
(d) A "military that cared about the nation."

2. In what year was Dr. King's book Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community published?
(a) 1969.
(b) 1968.
(c) 1967.
(d) 1970.

3. According to the chapter "Black Power Defined," what do the "powerful" never lose?
(a) Themselves.
(b) Chances.
(c) War.
(d) Opportunities.

4. What quote from a civil rights hymn did President Johnson quote before a joint session of Congress in 1965?
(a) "We shall not be moved!"
(b) "We shall overcome!"
(c) "Oh freedom!"
(d) "Keep your eyes on the prize!"

5. What war began to take precedence over the Civil Rights Movement given that military presence was needed?
(a) WW I.
(b) The Vietnam War.
(c) WW II.
(d) The Cold War.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why were Western nations uncomfortable with the USSR?

2. At what meeting did Dr. King deliver his most historic and controversial statement tying the war and the Civil Rights Movement together?

3. What two cities had riots erupt on July 18, 1964?

4. According to the chapter "Black Power Defined," what do the powerless never experience?

5. According to the footnotes on Chapter 20: "I See the Promise Land," who is Judge Hooks?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did political rightists, described in the introduction of Chapter 18: "Where Do We Go From Here?," claim that Martin Luther King, Jr., was unpatriotic?

2. Why did Martin Luther King, Jr., describe Americans as "strange liberators" in "A Time to Break Silence"?

3. Why did the Southern Christian Leadership Conference make their motto "To save the soul of America"?

4. During the delivery of King's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in 1964, he declared some "refusals." What were the two refusals that King put forth during his speech?

5. According to King's speech "I Have A Dream," what can African Americans never be satisfied with?

6. What prompted the Nobel Peace Prize committee to search for the "greatest apostle of peace" in 1964?

7. According the introduction of Chapter 18: "Where Do We Go From Here?", what happened in the United States during the Cold War to upset the Civil Rights Movement?

8. In King's speech "Where Do We Go From Here?", what did Martin Luther King, Jr., claim was the creed of the Negro's self-affirmation?

9. In King's speech "Where Do We Go From Here?," what did King mean by "as long as a mind is enslaved, the body can never be free"?

10. Martin Luther King, Jr., stated five dreams during his "I Have A Dream" speech. What were three of his "dreams"?

(see the answer keys)

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