I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the university where the SNCC was began?
(a) Wake Forrest University.
(b) Methodist University.
(c) Shaw University.
(d) Campbell University.

2. On what date did the head of the Nation of Islam call upon African Americans to form a state of their own?
(a) July 4, 1960.
(b) January 1, 1960.
(c) December 5, 1960.
(d) July 31, 1960.

3. Dr. King wanted to make sure that advocates of Black Consciousness did not associate racial pride with what?
(a) Racial discrimination.
(b) Racial neglect.
(c) Racial stereotypes.
(d) Racial isolationism.

4. Who went with Dr. and Mrs. King to India during their stay from February 2 to March 10, 1959?
(a) Dr. Brian S. Edgar
(b) Dr. David T. Bauer.
(c) Dr. John P. Oswalt.
(d) Dr. Lawrence D. Reddick.

5. What movement involved civil rights activists who sought to challenge religious segregation?
(a) Sit-in.
(b) Choice-in.
(c) Free-ins.
(d) Pray-in.

6. On what date was interstate traveling first challenged by an African American?
(a) April 1885.
(b) April 1905.
(c) April 1910.
(d) April 1920.

7. How many federal marshals were dispatched by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy?
(a) 200.
(b) 600.
(c) 500.
(d) 400.

8. What laws did African American interstate travelers ignore during their public transportation across state lines?
(a) Uncle Tom.
(b) Minority Travel Limitations.
(c) White Flight.
(d) Jim Crow.

9. What was the name of the high school that nine black children attended under surveillance of federal troops, in Arkansas?
(a) Triad High School.
(b) Wesclin High School.
(c) Centralia West High School.
(d) Central High School.

10. What was the name of the first African American to challenge interstate travel bans?
(a) T. McCants Stewart.
(b) Stokely Carmichael.
(c) Thurgood Marshall.
(d) Emmett Till.

11. When did the African nation of Ghana acquire its independence from British rule?
(a) March 6, 1957.
(b) April 9, 1956.
(c) September 9, 1955.
(d) December 1, 1955.

12. In what magazine did Dr. King's famous series "How My Mind Has Changed" appear?
(a) Christian Century.
(b) CCM.
(c) Relevant.
(d) Guideposts.

13. Who was the first president of the Montgomery Improvement Association?
(a) Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.
(b) Rosa Parks.
(c) Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr.
(d) Melba Patillo Beals.

14. During what years did participation by African American churches in American public life surge?
(a) 1960-1970.
(b) 1940-1950.
(c) 1930-1940.
(d) 1950-1960.

15. What city in Tennessee had a race riot on February 23, 1960?
(a) Chattanooga.
(b) Nashville.
(c) Bristol.
(d) Jackson.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two organizations invited Dr. King to speak at the University of California at Berkeley on June 4, 1957?

2. Who were Dr. and Mrs. King guests of during their stay in India?

3. How many students marched toward the Alabama State Capitol Building in Montgomery?

4. Why did Dr. King submit his resignation as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church?

5. What was the date of James Farmer's trip from Washington, D.C., to the South?

(see the answer keys)

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