I Dared to Call Him Father Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bilquis Sheikh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Dared to Call Him Father Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bilquis Sheikh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Bilquis feel on her way to the Mitchells' home?
(a) Thrilled and fulfilled.
(b) Confused and depressed.
(c) Expectant and fearful.
(d) Excited and curious.

2. What was the first dream Bilquis had about Jesus?
(a) That He was teaching her on a mountaintop.
(b) That He was sharing dinner with her.
(c) That he explained scriptures to her.
(d) That He walked in her garden.

3. Why did Bilquis think Mrs. Mitchell had an "odd confidence"?
(a) Mrs. Mitchell said she knew God.
(b) Mrs. Mitchell was unafraid of village gossip.
(c) Mrs. Mitchell was sure of the truth of Christianity.
(d) Mrs. Mitchell claimed to understand the Bible.

4. Why did Bilquis decide she liked Ken Old?
(a) He was a dedicated Christian.
(b) He was funny.
(c) He was handsome.
(d) He understood her feelings about her conversion.

5. Who corrupted Jesus' teachings, according to the Quran?
(a) Translators.
(b) Romans.
(c) Early Christians.
(d) Deceivers.

6. With whom did Bilquis' family associate Christian missionaries?
(a) Foreigners.
(b) Social outcasts.
(c) Literate people.
(d) The social elite.

7. What is the subject of Acts 1:15?
(a) Jesus' baptism.
(b) Baptism of the spirit.
(c) Baptism by immersion.
(d) Baptism by water.

8. What did Bilquis do to relieve the pressure of decision-making?
(a) Shopped.
(b) Ate.
(c) Prayed.
(d) Talked to friends.

9. How was Paul's experience in II Corinthians like Bilquis'?
(a) He couldn't tell if it was an actual physical experience.
(b) He had a vision.
(c) He preached a sermon.
(d) He had a dream.

10. What does baptism mean to a Muslim, according to Bilquis?
(a) Death.
(b) Opportunity.
(c) A rebirth.
(d) A fresh start.

11. What does the Quran teach was miraculous about Jesus?
(a) He was God's son.
(b) He was born of a virgin.
(c) He was resurrected.
(d) He was the last prophet.

12. To what did Bilquis compare her frightening experience?
(a) A black billowing cloud.
(b) A fainting spell.
(c) A black hole.
(d) Stupidity.

13. What gift did Mrs. Mitchell give Bilquis?
(a) An Aramaic Bible.
(b) An Arabic Bible.
(c) A Phillips translation of the Bible.
(d) A Bible in Urdu.

14. Why did Uncle Fateh advise Bilquis to avoid Christian conversation about the Bible?
(a) Christians are wrong.
(b) Christians are unreasonable.
(c) Christians are sinful.
(d) Christians are argumentative.

15. Why did Bilquis think Raishan was frightened by her request for a Bible?
(a) Raishan could be punished if she couldn't find a Bible.
(b) Raishan could be punished for proselytizing.
(c) Raishan would be punished if Bilquis converted to Christianity.
(d) Raishan would be punished if the Mullah learned who took Bilquis a Bible.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who had been recently killed in Wah in accordance with Muslim law?

2. What gave Bilquis' family its income in Wah?

3. What decision did Bilquis come to in Rawalpindi?

4. Where does the Quran say Jesus is to be buried?

5. What feeling did Bilquis get each time she opened the Bible?

(see the answer keys)

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