I Am Legend Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am Legend Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Robert described in Chapter 1?
(a) Brown hair and hazel eyes.
(b) Black hair and brown eyes.
(c) Blond hair and blue eyes.
(d) Red hair and green eyes.

2. What is Robert afraid the vampires will destroy in Part I, Chapter 5?
(a) His generator.
(b) His satellite TV.
(c) His wife's keepsakes.
(d) His radio.

3. What is Robert thinking about replacing in Chapter 1?
(a) His wife.
(b) A window.
(c) His shoes.
(d) A mirror.

4. How is the substance created that Robert manufactures in an attempt to kill the vampires in Part II, Chapter 7?
(a) By mixing lemon juice and bleach and heating it to 200 degrees.
(b) By squeezing the juice out garlic.
(c) Heating mustard oil and potassium sulphide to 100 degrees.
(d) By mixing sulfuric acid and baking soda.

5. In Part I, Chapter 3, Robert feels a bit of sympathy towards vampires, but he would still never __________.
(a) Allow one to cross his threshhold.
(b) Invite one to dinner.
(c) Let his sister marry one.
(d) Turn his back on one.

6. What notion does Robert reject in Chapter 2?
(a) That he is the last human remaining.
(b) That his wife is dead.
(c) That his car needs to be replaced.
(d) That vampires can't see themselves in mirrors.

7. What is part of Robert's daily routine in Chapter 1?
(a) Tending his garden.
(b) Cooking dinner.
(c) Going to work.
(d) Chopping garlic cloves.

8. What is happening when Robert awakens at 3 a.m with an epiphany?
(a) A dust storm.
(b) Vampires have broken down his door.
(c) All the lights went out.
(d) He is being bitten by fire ants.

9. How does Robert kill three vampires in Part I, Chapter 5?
(a) He decapitates them with an ax.
(b) He sprays them with acid.
(c) He runs them over with his car.
(d) He shoots them through the heart.

10. Robert recalls something about the pit when he arrives at the field. What does he recall?
(a) It has been there for years.
(b) Kathy is in there.
(c) No one knows its origin.
(d) It was once a landfill.

11. After Robert injects the vampire in Part II, Chapter 7, what does he do with it?
(a) Locks it in a closet.
(b) Smears its body with mashed garlic.
(c) Drains all of its blood.
(d) Binds it to a chair.

12. What kind of storms are prevalent in the U.S. after the war?
(a) Snow.
(b) Wind.
(c) Thunder.
(d) Dust.

13. On what street does Robert live?
(a) Celestial.
(b) Cinnamon.
(c) Celeste.
(d) Cimarron.

14. As Robert is driving through the city in Chapter 2, what does he notice?
(a) That his car looks old and broken down.
(b) That the people look frightened.
(c) That it is utterly deserted.
(d) That the stores are still open.

15. As the neighbor watched Robert in Part II, Chapter 9, what did he ask of Robert?
(a) To kill him before the vampires did.
(b) To not leave him alone.
(c) Let him take his mother.
(d) To let him know when Robert got home safely.

Short Answer Questions

1. Robert recalls the beginning of the plague. A war began. What happened during that war to begin all the trouble?

2. What was the melody played by Ben's door chimes?

3. What time does Robert wake up in Part I, Chapter 4?

4. What were the men wearing who took Kathy after she died?

5. What part of a vampire does Robert think the more effective method of killing affects?

(see the answer keys)

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