The Hunt for Red October Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hunt for Red October Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following would Jack Ryan be least interested in?
(a) War of 1812
(b) Pearl Harbor
(c) Current government overthrows
(d) General Lee's biography

2. What is the CIA trying to determine?
(a) Intent of Soviet navy
(b) What steps to take next
(c) Purpose of the doors from the photographs
(d) Unidentified sounds

3. For what government agency does Jack Ryan work for?
(a) Homeland Security
(b) FBI
(c) Navy
(d) CIA

4. What does the US Navy order Mancuso to do?
(a) Attack the unknown submarine
(b) Follow the unknown submarine
(c) Stay away from the unknown submarine
(d) Destroy the unknown submarine

5. Why is Jack Ryan called back to the CIA?
(a) To interpret a message
(b) To study photographs
(c) To meet with the president
(d) To be debriefed

6. With which character does Jack Ryan meet at the CIA?
(a) Vice Admiral Greer
(b) Skip Tyler
(c) Natalia
(d) Ramius

7. What is Jack Ryan's specialty as related to the military?
(a) Current world conflicts
(b) Strategy
(c) History
(d) Battle plans

8. What does Konovalov assume about the Red October?
(a) It is running late
(b) It has been lost at sea
(c) It has been delayed due to Putin's death
(d) It is doing its drills just hard to detect

9. Which of the following is not a synonym for sabotage?
(a) Subvert
(b) Wreck
(c) Build
(d) Undermine

10. Which of the following is an idiom for the word spy?
(a) Agent
(b) Supportive
(c) Secret
(d) Operative

11. What does the Russian Ambassador claim the Russian Fleet is doing?
(a) Routine maintence
(b) Training exercises
(c) A rescue mission
(d) A search and destroy mission

12. What does the doctor check for radiation on the crew of the Red October?
(a) Heads
(b) Blood
(c) Badges
(d) Bones

13. On which of the following vessels was there a significant nuclear accident which led to its destruction?
(a) USS Kennedy
(b) HMS Invincible
(c) USS Porgy
(d) E.S. Politovskiy

14. Why were all Soviet submarines recalled?
(a) Nuclear accident
(b) Defective materials
(c) Ramius's letter arrived
(d) To protect the homeland

15. What does the Cardinal tell the US that the mission of all Soviet subs is?
(a) Return home
(b) Sink the Red October
(c) Hunt down Ramius
(d) Guide the Red October home

Short Answer Questions

1. What is seen in the pictures that is worrisome?

2. Besides military secrets what else is Jack Ryan worried about?

3. Which of the following characters accompanies Ryan to the USS Kennedy?

4. Which character is more developed during the fourth day?

5. What do the officers of the suggest is causing the reactor scare?

(see the answer keys)

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