Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gay, Roxane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gay, Roxane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body  Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What lasting habit did Gay develop at the summer camp after her sophomore year of high school?
(a) Smoking.
(b) Biting her nails.
(c) Pulling her hair out.
(d) Drinking coffee.

2. Where did Gay's trauma take place?
(a) In an alley.
(b) In a cabin in the woods.
(c) In a department store.
(d) In her car.

3. Which of these author does Gay say she liked as a child?
(a) J.M. Barrie.
(b) Lewis Carroll.
(c) Judy Blume.
(d) Jane Austen.

4. What city did Gay travel to in order to meet the man in his forties?
(a) Boston.
(b) San Francisco.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) New York.

5. At her heaviest, which medical category did Gay fit into?
(a) Super obese.
(b) Super morbidly obese.
(c) Overweight.
(d) Obese.

Short Answer Questions

1. What book does Gay's counselor give her that she found helpful?

2. What is the one sport that Gay says she was decent at?

3. What was the name of the boy responsible for Gay's trauma?

4. What term does Gay prefer to use to refer to herself in the aftermath of the trauma she experienced?

5. Which book series did Gay become obsessed with after her trauma?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Gay say that gaining so much weight made her feel safer?

2. What do you think Roxane Gay means by the phrase “The story of my body is not a story of triumph” (4)?

3. How does Gay describe her relationship with her family as a young child?

4. How did Gay’s parents react to her weight gain when she came home for Thanksgiving her first year in boarding school?

5. How does Gay describe Haitian attitudes toward gluttony?

6. What advice about writing did Gay’s teacher, Mr. McGuinn, give to Gay?

7. What prompts Gay to drop out of Yale and move across the country?

8. What was the most important thing that Mr. McGuinn did for Gay?

9. How did the boys who raped Gay treat her afterwards?

10. What is Gay referring to when she says her life was split in two, “the before and the after" (14)?

(see the answer keys)

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