Humboldt's Gift Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Humboldt's Gift Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Julius do with the food he buys for Hortense?
(a) He leaves it locked up in the Cadillac.
(b) He forgets to bring it home.
(c) He eats it.
(d) He give it to the Cubans.

2. Where does Kathleen invite Charlie to go?
(a) To a quiet life with her in Brooklyn.
(b) Back to Coney Island to speak with Waldemar.
(c) To her home in Nevada.
(d) A Mediterranean paradise where she is filming.

3. What does Charlie promise to do for Waldemar even if the papers contain nothing valuable?
(a) Move him to a better nursing home.
(b) Have his dead sister and nephew moved to another cemetery.
(c) Buy him a crypt in Valhalla.
(d) Send him a check for $10,000.

4. What does Naomi ask Charlie to do in order for her to judge if he would make more sense to her now that she is older?
(a) Talk to her the way he talks to himself.
(b) Speak to her about the Archai and Exousiai.
(c) Tell her about Humboldt's poetry.
(d) Tell her why he loved her so.

5. What is Charlie worried Renata will do if he is locked up in jail?
(a) Try to break him out of jail.
(b) Rob a bank to bail him out.
(c) Find another man.
(d) Steal his money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Senor Biferno angry with Renata?

2. What project does Julius offer Charlie to get in on the ground floor with him?

3. What does Corcoran do in Section III of "Treatment?"

4. Who is Humboldt name after, according to his Uncle Waldemar?

5. Who is Julius's wife?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Charlie fail to say anything when Renata tells him the operator at the Plaza called her Mrs. Citrine?

2. What are Charlie's and Julius's feelings about death?

3. What are Renata's opinions about Charlie's thoughts about death?

4. What is Humboldt's Uncle Waldemar afraid that Charlie might do when he is given the envelope?

5. How does Charlie explain his relationship with Roger to people abroad?

6. According to Humboldt's letter to Charlie, why does Charlie figure so prominently in his obsessions?

7. Why does Maggie plead Charlie's case to Stronson and get the charges dropped?

8. What is Charlie hoping to receive as he has now lived at the pension with Roger for ten weeks?

9. What thoughts does Charlie have during the intermission of a Christmas Pageant he is attending with his children?

10. Why does Charlie believe that he cannot ask Renata to accompany him and the two older men from the nursing home out to lunch?

(see the answer keys)

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