Humboldt's Gift Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Humboldt's Gift Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Guido Stronson trying to do that has Rinaldo furious?
(a) Make a move on Polly.
(b) Put a hit on Rinaldo.
(c) Scam the Mafia
(d) Murder Judge Urbanovich.

2. What does Corcoran do in Section III of "Treatment?"
(a) Nurses his sick father.
(b) Marries a Marilyn Monroe look-alike.
(c) Writes a wonderful book.
(d) Divorces his wie.

3. Who does Renata have with her when she arrives in Madrid?
(a) Sr. Biferno.
(b) The Senora.
(c) The Senora and Renata's son, Roger.
(d) Renata's son, Roger.

4. What does Charlie tell Waldemar could be in the envelope Humboldt left for him?
(a) Photographs.
(b) Something that might be publishable.
(c) Probably nothing valuable.
(d) Papers worth a fortune.

5. How does Humboldt address Charlie in his posthumous letter?
(a) Dear Friend.
(b) Dear Shoveleer.
(c) Dear Traitor.
(d) Dear Charles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Charlie get the money to pay for the $200,000 bond?

2. Who greets Humboldt and Renata at the nursing home door?

3. What does Julius want Charlie to do if he should die on the operating table?

4. Charlie relates to Naomi the details of Demmie's death. When Charlie flies down to South America to look for Demmie's body, what is Charlie thinking as he sits with the pilot?

5. What is Charlie worried Renata will do if he is locked up in jail?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Humboldt's letter to Charlie, why does Charlie figure so prominently in his obsessions?

2. Why does Charlie feel compelled to continue the work of the dead?

3. Why does Charlie begin to cry while watching the film in Paris with Rinaldo?

4. Why does Maggie plead Charlie's case to Stronson and get the charges dropped?

5. How does Corcoran in the "Treatment" end up losing even though his book is a great success?

6. What happens to Corcoran's outlook when he repeats his romantic trip with his wife?

7. What is the state of Charlie's life and state of mind in Section 16 as he lives in Madrid?

8. How does Charlie's theory that some people have no use for their gifts and can think only of overcoming their weaknesses apply to Charlie and Humboldt?

9. What are Charlie's and Julius's feelings about death?

10. When Charlie offers to put up the ransom for the return of Pierre, how does he expect to be repaid?

(see the answer keys)

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