Humboldt's Gift Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Humboldt's Gift Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Humboldt attacks Magnasco on the streets of New York, who saves the young fellow's life?
(a) A nearby police officer.
(b) The staff of Howard Johnson's.
(c) Charlie Citrine.
(d) A group of lesbians dressed like longshoremen.

2. Despite an action Humboldt takes, Von Trenck is a hit. What does Humboldt do to try and prevent this?
(a) He pickets the theatre.
(b) He attempts to bribe the critics.
(c) He writes letters to newspapers about the play being bad.
(d) He tries to murder the main actors.

3. What happens to Charlie's Mercedes-Benz one night in Chicago?
(a) It is attacked with what appears to be baseball bats.
(b) It is painted over.
(c) It is stolen.
(d) It is ticketed.

4. What does Charlie tell Renata he is considering selling due to its current high value?
(a) His destroyed Mercedes.
(b) His autographed book by Humboldt.
(c) His apartment.
(d) His Oriental rugs.

5. When Humboldt releases himself from Mt. Sinai and begins to sue people, why does he not sue Charlie right away?
(a) He has no energy left for it.
(b) He still feels friendly towards Charlie.
(c) He is hoping Charlie will produce Kathleen.
(d) He is waiting to see if Von Trenck makes money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Humboldt say his mother used to send him to Chicago?

2. According to Humboldt, who is America's great Manic Depressive?

3. How much money does the Judge believe Charlie can afford to pay Denise each year?

4. Where does Cantabile tell Charlie to meet him with the money?

5. Why does Charlie spend several months in South America near the Orinoco River?

Short Essay Questions

1. Humboldt used to accuse Charlie of trying to spend his whole life in the upper stories of higher consciousness. What is Humboldt's definition of higher consciousness?

2. Why does Charlie think of the Mozartian Italian Denise likes, "Tutto tutto gia si sa" (Everything, everything about me was known)?

3. Humboldt cashes in Charlie's "blood-brother" check. How is this done at a very bad time in Charlie's life?

4. Charlie goes to the Russian Baths to give Cantabile his money. What is Cantabile's demeanor like when he gets out of his car to meet Charlie outside the Baths?

5. Charlie Citrine, as an elderly man, looks for something along the curbs in Chicago. What does he search for and why?

6. Why does Charlie believe Americans have trouble keeping secrets?

7. When Judge Urbanovich questions Charlie about his frequent trips to Europe, what does Charlie come to realize about Chicago and the judge?

8. How does Denise keep up-to-date on world news to prepare for a cultural evening at the White House?

9. What are Charlie's ideas concerning boredom?

10. Why does Humboldt tell Charlie that he wants Adlai Stevenson to win the election over Eisenhower?

(see the answer keys)

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