Human Croquet Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Human Croquet Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Gordon been doing at the opening of this chapter?

2. Who does Lady Margaret say is responsible for some bruises on her?

3. What is Lady Margaret's relationship to Sir Francis?

4. Who does Gordon invite to tea?

5. Who is Renee?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Isobel say about Audrey?

2. What does Herbert do to Violet Angela, and what is Maude's response to Violet's telling her about Herbert?

3. What does Isobel experience at Hilary's party?

4. What does Isobel say about Charles?

5. What does Isobel learn about several of the people in her circle of friends or acquaintances?

6. What is the time and purpose of this chapter?

7. What day does Gordon remember at the end of this chapter?

8. When does Isobel awake from her coma, and what does she learn about why she is in the hospital?

9. What does Gordon think of Eliza, and how do Charlotte and Vinny think of her?

10. What is happening on Christmas eve at the Fairfax household?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss one of the following:

1. Define irony in literary terms. Discuss the irony of the situation whereby Hilary and Isobel eventually become good friends. Discuss two other incidences of irony in "Human Croquet".

2. Define symbolism in literary terms. Discuss the use of and meaning of five symbols found in "Human Croquet".

3. Discuss the use of foreshadowing in literature. What is the purpose of foreshadowing? Cite 3 examples of foreshadowing and how it is used to indicate events to come in "Human Croquet".

Essay Topic 2

Atkinson chooses to write the novel in different points of views. Discuss the following:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this novel being written in several points of views?

2. Do you think the novel would be more effective in a different point of view? Which one if so?

3. When do you think an author is most likely to use the first person point of view? Second person? Third person omniscient? Third person limited?

4. Do you think the narrators in "Human Croquet" are reliable, i.e., do you believe the narrator is completely unbiased? Explain your response.

5. What is your favorite point of view to read? Or do you have a favorite.

Essay Topic 3

Plots are sometimes said to be either character-driven or action-driven. Discuss the following:

1. What do you think it means to say that a plot is character driven? Action driven?

2. How do you think a plot differs if it is character driven versus action driven?

3. Which type of plot do you find more interesting? Why?

4. Do you think "Human Croquet" is more character-driven or action-driven? Or balanced between the two? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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