Human Croquet Test | Final Test - Medium

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Human Croquet Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Gordon invite to tea?
(a) Eliza.
(b) An unnamed man who Gordon rescues.
(c) Vinny.
(d) An elderly woman who Gordon rescues.

2. What does Gordon do when he notices the building?
(a) Calls the hospital.
(b) Enters it.
(c) Peeks in the window of the new addition.
(d) Takes a picture.

3. What does Violet Angela tell Maude Violet does regularly?
(a) Visits London.
(b) Has sex with Herbert.
(c) Has sex with her brother.
(d) Talks to her real mother.

4. What has Gordon been doing at the opening of this chapter?
(a) Eating breakfast.
(b) Out drinking.
(c) Helping an elderly couple move their belongings from a bombed building.
(d) Gone to church.

5. How did Isobel end up in the hospital?
(a) A bicycle accident.
(b) A tree fell on her.
(c) A car accident.
(d) An aneurysm.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Renee?

2. To what does Isobel awaken in Chapter X?

3. How does Gordon become with Eliza?

4. What is Lady Margaret's relationship to Sir Francis?

5. What does Charlotte advice Gordon about the situation with Eliza?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is it revealed that the lock of hair Charles supposedly has belongs to Eliza?

2. What does Isobel learn about several of the people in her circle of friends or acquaintances?

3. What day does Gordon remember at the end of this chapter?

4. How does Gordon clarify his statement about the death of Eliza?

5. What does Isobel experience at Hilary's party?

6. Who is having breakfast when Isobel goes downstairs and how is everyone at the breakfast table?

7. How does Renee come to be a part of the Fairfax household?

8. How does Lady Fairfax end up being with Robert Kavanagh?

9. How does Maude Potter finally get a baby and what does she name the baby?

10. What does Isobel do with Malcolm in Hilary's bedroom?

(see the answer keys)

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