Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 4, why is Sampath told to come to work early the next day?
(a) He is getting overtime.
(b) His shift is changing to start an hour earlier.
(c) So he can take some documents across town by eight.
(d) He did not get all his work done.

2. What brings Sampath joy in Chapter 2?
(a) When his girlfriend returns to him.
(b) When he sings about meeting a princess.
(c) Getting accepted at another college.
(d) When he plays his guitar.

3. What does Mr. Chawla realize is part of Sampath’s appeal?
(a) Sampath’s apparent humility.
(b) That Sampath has rejected modern luxuries.
(c) Sampath’s ability to make people laugh.
(d) That Sampath is kind to everyone.

4. In Chapter 10, what does the Chawla family do at the orchard?
(a) Set up a booth to sell tickets to see Sampath.
(b) Set up living quarters.
(c) Buy the orchard.
(d) Fence off the tree in which Sampath is staying.

5. What does the Chawla family do about their missing son?
(a) They call all his friends.
(b) They visit his girlfriend’s house.
(c) They wait for him to come home.
(d) They go to the police.

6. Who wants to expose Sampath as a fraud?
(a) A local holy man.
(b) A reporter from an atheist society.
(c) A college professor from the philosophy department.
(d) A reporter from the local newspaper.

7. When Sampath is first born, what does he seem like to Kulfi?
(a) The most wonderful baby in the world.
(b) Alien to her.
(c) The perfect child.
(d) The smartest baby she has ever known.

8. What happens when Pinky goes to the bazaar one day?
(a) She buys two books.
(b) She meets a man she really likes.
(c) A man follows her.
(d) She spills cooking oil on her new clothes

9. What does the old woman on the bus in Chapter 6 keep asking Sampath about?
(a) His girlfriend.
(b) His schooling.
(c) His family and his job.
(d) Whether he might like her granddaughter.

10. To what food does Mr. Chawla compare Sampath?
(a) A potato.
(b) Spinach.
(c) An orange.
(d) A cherry.

11. What does Amma want Kulfi to do in Chapter 1?
(a) Exercise.
(b) Sit down and watch television.
(c) Take vitamins.
(d) Take herbs and sing.

12. Who drops a large supply of food outside Kulfi’s house?
(a) The European Aid Foundation.
(b) The Indian government.
(c) The American Relief Society.
(d) A Swedish Red Cross plane.

13. What is keeping Sampath awake in Chapter 2?
(a) His father yelling at a neighbor.
(b) His family snoring.
(c) His mother watching television.
(d) His grandmother moaning in pain.

14. What is Sampath looking at during breakfast one morning?
(a) His father's book.
(b) His little sister’s clothes.
(c) A fly that has landed on his food.
(d) His grandmother’s lack of teeth.

15. What does Mr. Chawla sell to orchard visitors in Chapter 10?
(a) Pendants with Sampath’s face on them.
(b) Guava branches.
(c) A book of wise saying by Sampath.
(d) Flowers and garlands.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what does Mr. Chawla become obsessed?

2. What picture does Sampath think about on his way home from work in Chapter 4?

3. Where is Sampath’s family going at the beginning of Chapter 6?

4. On whom does Mr. Chawla blame Sampath’s behavior?

5. What does Sampath do before he returns to the wedding party?

(see the answer keys)

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