The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aunt Sally think is wrong with Huck in Chapter 40?
(a) He has influenza.
(b) He has been eating jimson weed.
(c) He has sleep deprivation.
(d) He has brain fever.

2. How soon do the King and the Duke make up their quarrel in Chapter 30?
(a) They don't: they become sworn enemies.
(b) In half an hour.
(c) By next morning.
(d) In an hour.

3. At what point do Huck and Tom enter Jim's cabin?
(a) Under his bed.
(b) At the foot of Jim's bed.
(c) Beside the fireplace.
(d) In front of the door.

4. What prevents Jim from being hanged?
(a) Financial considerations - they'd have to pay his owner for him.
(b) Convenience.
(c) Compassion.
(d) Pleas from Huck and Tom.

5. What does Huck confess to Aunt Sally in Chapter 41?
(a) That he and Tom had escaped via the lightning rod.
(b) That he had stolen chickens when traveling on the raft.
(c) That he had worn her dress.
(d) That he had played pranks on Jim.

6. Why is there no reply to the letters Uncle Silas sends the plantation owners?
(a) The plantation does not exist.
(b) The plantation owner has died.
(c) The steamboat carring the mail has been sunk.
(d) The plantation owner is bad-mannered.

7. For Huck, what is the effect of the farmers' visits and Aunt Sally's questions?
(a) He is scared, but keeps level-headed.
(b) He is scared and confused.
(c) He is becoming confused, but tries to stay confident.
(d) He is confident and makes up a good story, as usual.

8. Which character leaves the raft to check out Pikesville?
(a) The Duke.
(b) Jim.
(c) Huck.
(d) The King.

9. What falls out of Uncle Silas's hat?
(a) A rat.
(b) A shingle nail.
(c) A spoon.
(d) Some of his hair.

10. Why does Huck think he has no money left?
(a) His father has probably stolen it.
(b) He's had to pay for damage to the steam-boat that ran over the raft.
(c) He imagines his father has obtained the money from Judge Thatcher and spent it all on drink.
(d) Judge Thatcher has not invested it wisely.

11. In Chapter 30, what do the King and the Duke accuse each other of doing?
(a) Hiding the money in the coffin.
(b) Flirting with Mary Jane.
(c) Trying to drown Huck,
(d) Trying to escape with the money.

12. What secret does Jim reveal at the end of the book?
(a) That Huck's father shot two of the Grangerfords.
(b) That there is more money hidden on the raft.
(c) That he is really an African prince and can reward all of them.
(d) That Huck's father was the dead man inside the floating house.

13. What secret does Huck share with Tom in Chapter 33?
(a) That the King and the Duke are after him.
(b) That he has money hidden away.
(c) The place where the raft is hidden.
(d) That he is trying to steal Jim out of slavery.

14. What does the King do after his confession?
(a) He cries.
(b) He goes for a cleansing swim, symbolic of beginning a new life.
(c) He retired to the wigwam with a bottle.
(d) He tells jokes till everyone is asleep.

15. What are the clues that there is someone in the ash hopper?
(a) People tip-toe by there.
(b) Aunt Sally keeps looking at the place to check.
(c) There's a lock on the door and watermelon is taken in there at suppertime.
(d) There is a lock on the door and someone can be heard wailing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What 'relict' do the boys procure from the garret in Chapter 37?

2. How does Tom arrive back at the Phelps farm in Chapter 42?

3. According to Huck, what delayed his steamer?

4. Which animal does Tom suggest Jim might tame?

5. What is Mrs. Hotchkiss's opinion of Jim?

(see the answer keys)

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