The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the sunken steamer?
(a) The Miss Charlotte.
(b) The Walter Stott.
(c) The Walter Scott.
(d) The Nellie.

2. How is Jim alerted to the coming lightning storm?
(a) He feels a change in the atmosphere and smells ozone.
(b) He goes into a trance and sees a vision of the coming storm.
(c) He understands clouds and thunderheads.
(d) He has an astute observation of birds.

3. Where does Colonel Sherburn stand to protect himself in Chapter 22?
(a) On the roof of his front porch.
(b) Behind the wood-heap.
(c) Behind his front gate.
(d) At the front door of his house.

4. What illness is supposed to be the problem at the Proctors'?
(a) Mumps.
(b) Malaria.
(c) Cholera.
(d) Scarlet fever.

5. Where does Huck go to cook his supper in Chapter 8?
(a) Deep into the woods.
(b) On the beach facing the Illinois bank.
(c) The Illinois bank of the river.
(d) Close to where he has hidden the canoe.

6. Who has "no more smile to him than there is to a ham"?
(a) The undertaker.
(b) Peter.
(c) The King.
(d) Jim.

7. In Chapter 13, what is Jim's attitude to the adventure he and Huck have just experienced?
(a) Compliant. He likes Huck to lead, enjoyed the adventure and falls in with Huck's ideas.
(b) Ambivalent. He is uncertain about the moral status of what they have just done.
(c) Negative. He didn't enjoy it and doesn't want similar adventures.
(d) Enthusiastic. He can't wait for the next opportunity, though he does have some criticism.

8. How does Jim react when he first sees Huck in Chapter 8?
(a) He's angry and afraid of being discovered.
(b) He's relieved and happy Huck is alive.
(c) He's frightened as he genuinely believes Huck is a ghost.
(d) He thinks Huck is the Devil and is desperately afraid.

9. Where, on the island, do Huck and Jim hide their belongings?
(a) Inside a hollow log in a clearing.
(b) In a hole dug under a marked tree.
(c) In a cavern.
(d) In bundles secured to treetops.

10. Who is the servant, Adolphus?
(a) Jim.
(b) Tom Sawyer.
(c) Huck Finn.
(d) The Duke.

11. What is the 'good place' to which Miss Watson keeps referring?
(a) The cemetery.
(b) Heaven.
(c) Baton Rouge.
(d) Church.

12. Whose idea of the after-life does Huck favor?
(a) His father's.
(b) The widow's.
(c) Tom Sawyer's.
(d) Miss Watson's.

13. What action does Jim fear will bring bad luck?
(a) Spitting into the wind.
(b) Pulling floating bread from the river.
(c) Touching a snake's skin.
(d) Falling over a black cat.

14. Huck's narrative includes the words: "but I was over the shoal water now." This is an example of what sort of figurative language?
(a) Personification.
(b) Simile.
(c) Exaggeration.
(d) Metaphor.

15. What is the main accusation Colonel Sherburn levels at the crowd?
(a) Racial prejudice.
(b) Cowardice.
(c) A negligent attitude to their church-going.
(d) Poor dress standards.

Short Answer Questions

1. What explanation does Huck give for having the gun in his hands?

2. As he chases Huck around the cabin, brandishing a knife, what does Pappy call his son?

3. Which people did Huck and Tom intend to ambush?

4. Who pumps Huck for information about England?

5. What news does Mrs. Loftus give Huck regarding his 'murder'?

(see the answer keys)

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