The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Huck escape from the cabin he has been locked in for three days?
(a) He saws his way out.
(b) He smashes a window and climbs out.
(c) He prizes up the floorboards and escapes that way.
(d) He climbs up the inside of the chimney.

2. What explanation does 'Sarah/Mary' Williams give for her journey?
(a) She was bringing money to Uncle Abner, but was robbed.
(b) She has to tell Uncle Abner that her mother is ill and out of money.
(c) She is running away from an arranged marriage.
(d) She is on her way to visit a sick aunt.

3. Where, on the island, do Huck and Jim hide their belongings?
(a) In a cavern.
(b) Inside a hollow log in a clearing.
(c) In a hole dug under a marked tree.
(d) In bundles secured to treetops.

4. Why are Huck and Jim unable to land the catfish they caught?
(a) The fish pulls Jim into the water and he has to be rescued.
(b) The fish is too enormous for them to handle.
(c) The hook comes adrift.
(d) The line breaks.

5. As he chases Huck around the cabin, brandishing a knife, what does Pappy call his son?
(a) A right nasty varmint.
(b) A freak of nature who belongs in Hell.
(c) The Devil incarnate.
(d) The Angel of Death.

6. Why is Huck worried when the coffin lid is screwed on?
(a) He doesn't know whether or not the bag of money is still in the coffin.
(b) He thinks perhaps he'll receive a beating from the Duke.
(c) He thinks maybe the rat got in there.
(d) He knows he will soon be found out by Mary Jane.

7. How do Huck and Jim enter the wrecked ship?
(a) Through a hole in the stern.
(b) By climbing the paddle-wheel.
(c) Through the forward skylight.
(d) They climb onto the larboard deck and go down a ladder.

8. How does Huck give himself thinking time when questions about England become awkward?
(a) He pretends to sneeze.
(b) He has a drink of water.
(c) He says there's a mouse under the table.
(d) He pretends to choke on a chicken bone.

9. What is the main accusation Colonel Sherburn levels at the crowd?
(a) A negligent attitude to their church-going.
(b) Racial prejudice.
(c) Cowardice.
(d) Poor dress standards.

10. Who is the other person Huck tells Mary Jane in Chapter 28 would be in big trouble?
(a) Jim.
(b) Harney Shepherdson.
(c) Tom Sawyer.
(d) Joanna.

11. Why does Huck lose interest in Moses?
(a) He dislikes Moses' character.
(b) Huck is an atheist and hates Bible stories.
(c) Moses is dead and Huck is interested only in the living
(d) The Widow Douglas reads poorly.

12. In Chapter 13, what is Jim's attitude to the adventure he and Huck have just experienced?
(a) Compliant. He likes Huck to lead, enjoyed the adventure and falls in with Huck's ideas.
(b) Enthusiastic. He can't wait for the next opportunity, though he does have some criticism.
(c) Ambivalent. He is uncertain about the moral status of what they have just done.
(d) Negative. He didn't enjoy it and doesn't want similar adventures.

13. What does Huck call "the horriblest looking outrage I ever see"?
(a) The King and the Duke buying clothes with their swindled money.
(b) Slaves being beaten by a cruel overseer.
(c) Jim begging to be tied up again.
(d) Jim dressed up and painted as a sick Arab.

14. Who has "no more smile to him than there is to a ham"?
(a) The King.
(b) The undertaker.
(c) Peter.
(d) Jim.

15. Why are the streets of the 'one horse town' empty?
(a) It is siesta time.
(b) It is a ghost town.
(c) Most people have gone to the camp meeting.
(d) The town is under quarantine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which encores does the Duke suggest Chapter 21?

2. Where does Huck hide the money in Chapter 27?

3. In contrast to the expressions of grief acted by the King and the Duke, what does Huck view as a good thing?

4. What is unusual about the tracks Huck finds in the snow?

5. What explanation does Huck give for having the gun in his hands?

(see the answer keys)

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