How Late It Was, How Late Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How Late It Was, How Late Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the police interrogation, why does Sammy become irritated with his cellmate?
(a) He keeps laughing.
(b) He smokes, but won't share his cigarettes.
(c) He's talking about Helen.
(d) He is pacing.

2. Up until his drunken weekend, how long had it been since Sammy had seen Charlie?
(a) 5 years.
(b) 10 years.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 6 months.

3. What grooming does Sammy complete prior to his trip to Glancys?
(a) He bathes.
(b) He puts on a shirt and tie.
(c) He puts on cologne.
(d) He shaves.

4. In the waiting room on Monday morning, Sammy is asked if he is looking for a what?
(a) Girlfriend.
(b) Way to make money.
(c) Old friend.
(d) Rep.

5. When his shoes start to pinch, Sammy has a sudden memory of what?
(a) A man with no legs.
(b) The cheap shoes he wore as a kid.
(c) Putting on the wrong shoes by mistake.
(d) Helen buying the wrong socks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What lie does Sammy tell his son, in regards to Helen?

2. What evidence of sloth does Sammy leave in the bathtub?

3. What was found in Sammy's home that he is accused of stealing?

4. To the police, Sammy claims to have blacked out during what portion of the weekend?

5. Where do Peter and Keith wait to see Sammy?

Short Essay Questions

1. During his Monday morning appointment, how does the doctor treat Sammy and his case?

2. Sammy tells the police he was drinking heavily over the weekend due to what?

3. Sammy tells Ally he does not plan to claim compensation for what reason?

4. How do Sammy's friends treat him at Glancys?

5. The police claim Leg (Donaghue) told them what about Sammy's weekend?

6. Why does Sammy decide to visit Quinns before going to Glancys?

7. During the police interrogation, what do they use to bribe Sammy?

8. What are the steps Ally asks Sammy to take, to prepare for pursuing his case?

9. Before going to Glancys, there are signs that Sammy is not able to take care of himself fully. What are some of these signs?

10. Why is Peter suspicious of Ally?

(see the answer keys)

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