How It Went Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kekla Magoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How It Went Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kekla Magoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Kimberly know Tariq?
(a) She used to babysit for him and Tina.
(b) He was her stepbrother.
(c) She was in his class in school.
(d) He was her cousin.

2. Why does Rocky want to believe Tariq had a gun when he died?
(a) Because he knows Tariq was not a good person.
(b) Because the cops threatened him if he did not say Tariq had a gun.
(c) Because he agrees with Jack Franklin that Tariq was dangerous.
(d) Because he feels guilty about his own possible contribution to the events that led to Tariq's death.

3. Who tried to give Tariq CPR?
(a) Noodle.
(b) Brian.
(c) Brick.
(d) Jennica.

4. What is one thing Will is grateful to Steve for?
(a) Steve will pay for Will's graffiti paints.
(b) Steve will get Will a good internship.
(c) Steve will keep Will's secrets from Will's mother.
(d) Steve will pay for college for Will.

5. What is Brick obsessed with regarding the gun he thinks he saw Tariq holding when he died?
(a) He thinks Jennica pocketed it and wants to threaten Jennica to get it back.
(b) He thinks one of the Kings picked it up and he wants to find out who has it.
(c) He thinks Rocky has it and wants to threaten Rocky to get it back.
(d) He thinks the cops took it and are hiding it.

6. What is Will's graffiti signature?
(a) eMZee.
(b) RedTide.
(c) CRAzee 8.
(d) The Boss.

7. What is the opposing Gang to the Kings called?
(a) The Crips.
(b) The Bloods.
(c) The Patriots.
(d) The Stingers.

8. Who is the first person to stop Tariq after he leaves the shop by putting a hand on his shoulder?
(a) Noodle.
(b) Vernesha.
(c) Brian Trellis.
(d) Jennica.

9. Which member of Tariq's family initially talks to the press after his killing?
(a) His sister.
(b) His grandfather.
(c) His father.
(d) His uncle Marvin.

10. What does Reverend Sloan decide to do when he hears about Tariq's death?
(a) Run for president.
(b) Leave the country.
(c) Raise a lot of money.
(d) Travel to Underhill.

11. How many times was Tariq shot?
(a) Three times.
(b) Four times.
(c) Twice.
(d) Once.

12. What is Rocky's morning routine?
(a) Bringing the bales of newspapers into his shop and arranging them in the racks.
(b) Talking to the press.
(c) Hiding his money in the safe.
(d) Meeting with his team of managers.

13. What does Tina see Vernesha do with their phone in frustration?
(a) Answer it.
(b) Bury it.
(c) Throw it against the wall.
(d) Toss it out the window.

14. What does Sammy think about Jack Franklin?
(a) Sammy thinks Jack Franklin should be tried by a jury of his peers.
(b) Sammy thinks Jack Franklin had a good reason to kill Tariq.
(c) Sammy is very angry at Jack Franklin and is thinking about taking the law into his own hands.
(d) Sammy thinks Jack Franklin is basically a good man who made a bad choice.

15. How does Kimberly first meet Reverend Sloan?
(a) She asks him for a job in a law office.
(b) She bumps into him on the street.
(c) She meets him in church.
(d) She does his makeup for him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the cops do to Jack Franklin after they bring him to the station following Tariq's murder?

2. What does Tariq's grandmother regret not throwing away before he died?

3. Which of the following characters is sure Tariq was holding a gun when he died?

4. What does Steve Connors wear to work every day?

5. What did Reverend Sloan leave behind in the makeup room that Kimberly finds?

(see the answer keys)

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