How It Went Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kekla Magoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How It Went Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kekla Magoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the cops do to Jack Franklin after they bring him to the station following Tariq's murder?
(a) They tell him to leave the country.
(b) They keep him in jail.
(c) They let him go free.
(d) They put him in the witness protection program.

2. What does Reverend Sloan decide to do when he hears about Tariq's death?
(a) Travel to Underhill.
(b) Run for president.
(c) Raise a lot of money.
(d) Leave the country.

3. What is Melody's strongest memory of Tariq?
(a) She had her first kiss with him.
(b) He helped her out of a bad relationship.
(c) He brought her soup when her mother died.
(d) He was the first person she ever slept with.

4. What did Reverend Sloan leave behind in the makeup room that Kimberly finds?
(a) His briefcase.
(b) His lunch.
(c) His wallet.
(d) His jacket.

5. What does Tina see Vernesha do with their phone in frustration?
(a) Toss it out the window.
(b) Answer it.
(c) Bury it.
(d) Throw it against the wall.

6. How does WIll feel as he attends Tariq's vigil?
(a) He feels claustrophobic.
(b) He feels suspicious.
(c) He feels like he is really part of the Underhill community again.
(d) He feels out of place.

7. What does Reverend Sloan ask Kimberly before he goes before the cameras after she does his makeup for the first time?
(a) He asks her out on a date.
(b) He asks her to redo his makeup.
(c) He asks her what she would say to the press.
(d) He asks her to go before the cameras with him.

8. Why does Rocky want to believe Tariq had a gun when he died?
(a) Because the cops threatened him if he did not say Tariq had a gun.
(b) Because he agrees with Jack Franklin that Tariq was dangerous.
(c) Because he knows Tariq was not a good person.
(d) Because he feels guilty about his own possible contribution to the events that led to Tariq's death.

9. What is Reverend Sloan's first impression of Kimberly?
(a) He thinks he has met her before.
(b) Kimberly says something that makes him angry.
(c) He is physically attracted to her.
(d) He does not like her.

10. Who is the first person to stop Tariq after he leaves the shop by putting a hand on his shoulder?
(a) Vernesha.
(b) Brian Trellis.
(c) Jennica.
(d) Noodle.

11. Where is Junior when he hears about Tariq's death?
(a) At work.
(b) At home.
(c) In jail.
(d) At the barbershop.

12. Whose car does Jack Franklin borrow?
(a) Kimberly's.
(b) Tom Arlen's.
(c) Brick's.
(d) Noodle's.

13. Who in Tariq's household wants to watch the news coverage of his killing?
(a) Vernesha.
(b) Tina.
(c) Tyrell.
(d) Redeema.

14. What does Tyrell remember being mad at Tariq for when they were younger?
(a) Making fun of his mother.
(b) Going on vacation without him.
(c) Stealing money.
(d) "Stealing" the nickname "T" before Tyrell could claim it.

15. What is Will's graffiti signature?
(a) The Boss.
(b) RedTide.
(c) CRAzee 8.
(d) eMZee.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Steve Connors know Will was probably at Tariq's vigil?

2. How does Kimberly know Tariq?

3. Which child did Vernesha worry about the most?

4. How does Vernesha find out Tariq has been killed?

5. Why did Jennica hesitate to blow air into Tariq's mouth?

(see the answer keys)

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