House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Francisco wants to teach his grandsons about the positions of the _________ and how they would affect their lives.
(a) Sun
(b) Clouds
(c) Moon
(d) Stones

2. Abel would make Ben wait before driving off to show him a ____________ coming out of one of the stores.
(a) White woman
(b) Police officer
(c) Native American woman
(d) Black woman

3. What did Abel dip into water in order to press it to Francisco's mouth and forehead?
(a) Cloth
(b) Napkin
(c) Sponge
(d) Shirt

4. Francisco showed that the event which took place in #169 focused on those that were ___________.
(a) Sick
(b) Healthy
(c) Dead
(d) Pregnant

5. When Abel and Ben sat on the hill, _______ sang softly the House Made of Dawn.
(a) Somene else
(b) Neither of them
(c) Ben
(d) Abel

6. After a long 12-hour shift at the plant, Ben and Abel went to Tosamah's for _________ and drinking.
(a) Movies
(b) Poker
(c) Target practice
(d) Video games

7. Abel told Ben and Milly a story about a ___________ he had on the reservation and how it used to love the water.
(a) Horse
(b) Dog
(c) Eagle
(d) Snake

8. ___________ sat in his grandfather's house as he had done every day since his return
(a) Ben
(b) Cruz
(c) Tosamah
(d) Abel

9. The answer to #149 would teach the boys when to plant __________.
(a) Lettuce
(b) Peas
(c) Corn
(d) Wheat

10. The answer to #149 would teach the boys when the ___________ race would be held.
(a) Rooster
(b) Ancestor
(c) Elder
(d) Ash

11. On the first and second days of his return, Abel had gone out and gotten ___________.
(a) Drunk
(b) Job applications
(c) Food
(d) Hookers

12. Who walked off with Abel during the party while the other men got drunk, sang and danced?
(a) Daniels
(b) Tosamah
(c) Cruz
(d) Ben

13. Who stops at the Silver Dollar on his way back from the bus station?
(a) Ben
(b) Manygoats
(c) Abel
(d) Francisco

14. The ___________ book and ears of colored corn were also placed at Francisco's side.
(a) Recipe
(b) Ledger
(c) Picture
(d) Story

15. Ben gave the bad cop all the _________ he had on him, but Abel didn't have any, so he was punished.
(a) Coins
(b) Gold
(c) Money
(d) Silver

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the girl that Ben eventually met at the squaw dance, riding there from Sam Charley's place?

2. Ben thinks of ___________ and supposed that now that Abel is gone, this person isn't going to be around much anymore.

3. Abel put ______________ on his grandfather's head and fashioned it in a queue.

4. What did Abel wrap his grandfather's hair around when he was preparing it?

5. What was the name of the bad cop that Ben had a bad experience with in the past?

(see the answer keys)

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