House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of the girl that Ben eventually met at the squaw dance, riding there from Sam Charley's place?
(a) Tiger
(b) Kitty
(c) Mustang Sally
(d) Pony

2. Francisco wants to teach his grandsons about the positions of the _________ and how they would affect their lives.
(a) Clouds
(b) Stones
(c) Sun
(d) Moon

3. On the first and second days of his return, Abel had gone out and gotten ___________.
(a) Drunk
(b) Job applications
(c) Hookers
(d) Food

4. Ben made up a story about a beautiful ketoh in order to get Frazer to let him use the black __________.
(a) Buggy
(b) Ford
(c) Horse
(d) Cadillac

5. Abel also placed Francisco's pouches of pollen and __________, along with the sacred feathers by his side.
(a) Stone
(b) Mugwort
(c) Ash
(d) Meal

6. Abel came upon other _______ and at the first sign of dawn they all set off, and even though Abel fell, he got up and kept on going.
(a) Veterans
(b) Runners
(c) Children
(d) Priests

7. Whose gray coat was Francisco wearing on top of him to prevent him from getting too cold?
(a) Father Olguin
(b) Abel
(c) Ben
(d) Cruz

8. When Abel and Ben sat on the hill, _______ sang softly the House Made of Dawn.
(a) Ben
(b) Somene else
(c) Neither of them
(d) Abel

9. Which animal did Francisco shoot and kill the next day while hunting by following the tracks?
(a) Crow
(b) Bear
(c) Coyote
(d) Horse

10. Abel offered an old man a lift, but the horse gave up halfway through the water and decided to ____________ in the river.
(a) Stop
(b) Drown itself
(c) Lie down
(d) Buck

11. When Ben was not in a hurry on a delivery with his truck, he would stop by and pick up _____________.
(a) Martinez
(b) Milly
(c) Abel
(d) Tosamah

12. For how many days did Abel stay drunk after the incident at the party with his co-workers?
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 2
(d) 3

13. When he returned to town, the ___________ carried by his hunting horse, the people greeted Francisco with jubilation.
(a) Bear
(b) Coyote
(c) Bird
(d) Crow

14. In a year or two, Abel and Ben would get back together to __________ one last time together.
(a) Get drunk
(b) Ride horses
(c) Sleep
(d) Pray

15. Ben tried to share his __________ with Abel, but Abel would not take it.
(a) Newspaper
(b) Lunch
(c) Car
(d) Book

Short Answer Questions

1. Francisco showed that the event which took place in #169 focused on those that were ___________.

2. What was in the pouch that Francisco held which helped to mark the face of the animal he killed?

3. After the foreman stood over Abel's shoulder, correcting every little mistake he made, by the end of the __________, Abel walked out.

4. What is the other word for the bad cop, as Ben recalls in his memory of a bad police experience?

5. What was the most important set of tracks in the many tracks of animals Francisco had seen as a young man?

(see the answer keys)

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