House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For how many days did Abel stay drunk after the incident at the party with his co-workers?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 2
(d) 7

2. What was the result of the child that Francisco and the girl conceived during their relationship?
(a) Aborted with drugs
(b) Healthy boy
(c) Stillborn
(d) Healthy girl

3. Ben made up a story about a beautiful ketoh in order to get Frazer to let him use the black __________.
(a) Buggy
(b) Horse
(c) Cadillac
(d) Ford

4. What was the next job that the Relocation people got for Abel once he was out of jail?
(a) Carpenter
(b) Patient aide
(c) Housekeeper
(d) Painter

5. Who was NOT one of the people who hung out with Abel on his last night in town before leaving on the bus?
(a) Tosamah
(b) Cruz
(c) Ben
(d) Bowker

6. Abel came upon other _______ and at the first sign of dawn they all set off, and even though Abel fell, he got up and kept on going.
(a) Children
(b) Runners
(c) Priests
(d) Veterans

7. What did Abel wrap his grandfather's hair around when he was preparing it?
(a) Bone
(b) Metal rod
(c) Yarn
(d) Jute

8. In a year or two, Abel and Ben would get back together to __________ one last time together.
(a) Get drunk
(b) Ride horses
(c) Sleep
(d) Pray

9. The sight of Francisco's child during the birth made him __________.
(a) Afraid
(b) Happy
(c) Nervous
(d) Excited

10. Ben gave the bad cop all the _________ he had on him, but Abel didn't have any, so he was punished.
(a) Coins
(b) Silver
(c) Money
(d) Gold

11. The answer to #149 would teach the boys when to plant __________.
(a) Lettuce
(b) Corn
(c) Wheat
(d) Peas

12. Who does Ben ask for money that is owed to him from a previous lending situation?
(a) Francisco
(b) Tosamah
(c) Abel
(d) Manygoats

13. Abel dressed his grandfather in bright ceremonial __________ as he prepared his body.
(a) Dresses
(b) Boots
(c) Colors
(d) Bones

14. What was the name of the bad cop that Ben had a bad experience with in the past?
(a) Martinez
(b) Marino
(c) Noriega
(d) Montasanto

15. Who was NOT one of the people Ben thought would not leave Abel alone?
(a) Welfare
(b) Relocation People
(c) Parole Officer
(d) IRS

Short Answer Questions

1. ___________ sat in his grandfather's house as he had done every day since his return

2. Abel and his Relocation officer were already in the __________ office when Ben was called into his office one morning.

3. What was the name of the girl that Ben eventually met at the squaw dance, riding there from Sam Charley's place?

4. Which animal did Francisco shoot and kill the next day while hunting by following the tracks?

5. Ben had made up the plan while Abel was still in __________, but Abel began to believe in it and so did Ben.

(see the answer keys)

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