Housegirl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Donkor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Housegirl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Donkor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From whose perspective is Chapter 10 narrated?
(a) Doctor Otuo's.
(b) Belinda's.
(c) Amma's.
(d) Nana's.

2. Belinda that she believes she will miss "how quickly and dramatically" Mary's what appears able to change?
(a) Her mood.
(b) Her face.
(c) Her clothes.
(d) Her mind.

3. Amma's room contains many different stacks composed of which kind of object?
(a) Books.
(b) Board games.
(c) Aquariums.
(d) Records.

4. From whose perspective is Chapter 9 narrated?
(a) Helena's.
(b) Belinda's.
(c) Amma's.
(d) Nana's.

5. What type of person is being beaten in Amma's story from her time in Ghana?
(a) A little boy.
(b) A little girl.
(c) An old man.
(d) An old woman.

6. What sort of odor does Amma believe her best friend has?
(a) An odor like almonds.
(b) An odor like sunshine.
(c) An order like clean linen.
(d) An odor like raspberries.

7. When Amma picks Belinda up from the airport in London, what preemptive comment does Amma make to Belinda?
(a) She says that Belinda cannot borrow any of her clothes.
(b) She says that she is aware that Belinda is probably hungry.
(c) She says she knows her hair is messy and that she likes it.
(d) She says that she knows she smells bad but that she did not have time to shower.

8. When Belinda and Mary return from the zoo, Belinda marvels once more at which aspect of Aunty and Uncle's lifestyle?
(a) Their amount of leisure time.
(b) Their clean water.
(c) Their medical care.
(d) Their ornate clothing.

9. What quality of a particular singer's voice does Amma name when she explains her affinity to Belinda?
(a) Its ethereal nature.
(b) Its haunting nature.
(c) Its reverberation.
(d) Its stoic nature.

10. When Belinda becomes uncomfortable with Amma's story about a beating, she steers the conversation to what subject?
(a) Art.
(b) Music.
(c) Food.
(d) History.

11. What substance do Amma and Helena ingest together throughout Amma's portrait-sitting?
(a) Lemonade.
(b) Tea.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) Marijuana.

12. Which character does Belinda expect will be waiting for her at the airport in London?
(a) Aunty.
(b) Uncle.
(c) Nana.
(d) Amma.

13. When Belinda goes shopping for new clothing, what object reminds her of Mary?
(a) A poster.
(b) A hat.
(c) A hair bow.
(d) A dress.

14. From whose perspective is Chapter 6 narrated?
(a) Nana.
(b) Mary.
(c) Amma.
(d) Belinda.

15. During Amma's portrait-sitting, she asks Helena to tell her a story about a time when Helena was what?
(a) In trouble.
(b) Scared.
(c) In love.
(d) Elated.

Short Answer Questions

1. What items do the pallbearers request be brought to them?

2. Nana suggests that Belinda tell Amma to help her get to and from what location each day?

3. Amma had first met Roisin at a seminar offered for what type of student?

4. When Mary is able to finally pit an avocado with only her knife, she suggests that she and Belinda go to what location to celebrate?

5. Which act by the pallbearers inspires the mourners to respond with cheers?

(see the answer keys)

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