The Hostage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hostage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What circumstances do Meg and Pat discuss?
(a) The circumstances by which they came to work at this boarding house.
(b) Monsewer's move to Ireland as a child.
(c) How horrible Monsewer's mother was.
(d) The manipulative circumstances of the treaty's signing.

2. What does Monsewer think about everyone who lives in the house?
(a) They are members of the secret police.
(b) They are all prostitutes and degenarates.
(c) They are all British spies.
(d) They are all rebels on the run from the British authorities.

3. This story explores themes relating to what?
(a) Compassion and love.
(b) Sin and degradation.
(c) The war between the IRA and the British.
(d) The nature of imprisonment, preconception, and honor.

4. Pat salutes him, sees he has something important to talk about, and tells Meg to do what?
(a) Begin cooking dinner.
(b) Leave.
(c) Plug her ears.
(d) Sweep the steps.

5. Why had Teresa left a convent?
(a) She had fallen in love with a student priest.
(b) She had decided against becoming a nun.
(c) She did not find herself attractive in a habit.
(d) She fell in love with one of the nuns.

6. What do they do when music comes on the radio?
(a) They dance.
(b) They turn off the radio.
(c) They sing.
(d) They laugh.

7. How does Pat say he lost his leg?
(a) In an automobile accident.
(b) As a soldier.
(c) He had it amputated after an infection.
(d) As a child.

8. With what does Princess Grace come in?
(a) Her rent and news that Mulleady has not paid his rent.
(b) Her rent and news that Mulleady has a prisoner.
(c) Her rent and news that Mulleady is a spy.
(d) Her rent and news that Mulleady has a woman in his room.

9. As Pat comments on how pretty Teresa is, what does Meg say?
(a) He sould keep his thoughts to himself.
(b) He would say she would look like a whore if he was drunk.
(c) He should leave Teresa alone.
(d) He would be better off not looking at Teresa.

10. What do Meg and Pat say drove Monsewer half mad?
(a) His father.
(b) His move to Ireland.
(c) His mother.
(d) The treaty signed by some of the members of the IRA to end the fighting.

11. Why does Meg tell Teresa to stop thinking about this person's fate?
(a) There is no need to mourn him before it becomes necessary.
(b) She does not want to think about his fate.
(c) It will only make her worry more.
(d) She does not care about this person.

12. After Mulleady goes, about what does Meg complain?
(a) They will allow anybody to live there.
(b) How she purposely folded his shirts incorrectly.
(c) She is tired of her job.
(d) How annoying he is.

13. How did Monsewer choose his title?
(a) He wishes he were French.
(b) He grew tired of his name.
(c) He wanted nothing to do with anything English such as the title "mister."
(d) He wanted to sound sophisticated.

14. What ironic comment does Pat make, regarding what Monsewar has told him?
(a) How sad it is that the IRA is fighting again.
(b) How he wishes the IRA would fight again.
(c) How wonderful it is to be British.
(d) How great it is the IRA is fighting again.

15. Monsewer comes in, checking with Pat to make sure about what?
(a) The boarding house is full.
(b) Preparations have been made for the arrival of the soldiers and their prisoner.
(c) All rent money has been paid.
(d) His breakfast has been prepared.

Short Answer Questions

1. When he is finished, he and Meg talk further about what?

2. What does the IRA officer come in and do?

3. What bad pun does Teresa make?

4. Who are the caretakers?

5. What does Pat promise to sing?

(see the answer keys)

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